Author/Editor     Borković, Zdravko; Srdoč, Dubravka; Bedalov, Goran
Title     Incomplete spontaneous ureteral disruption
Translated title     Nepopolna spontana raztrganina. Prikaz primera
Type     članek
Source     Radiol Oncol
Vol. and No.     Letnik 36, št. 2
Publication year     2002
Volume     str. 87-90
Language     eng
Abstract     Background. The aim of the authors was to present the case of spontaneous partial ureteral rupture during a renal colic, caused by an anorganic concrement in the proximal part of the left ureter, at the level of the transverse processus of L3. Case report. On the excretory urography imaging the dilatation of the canal system, cups, necks and pyelon, was observed. At the level of the pyeloureteric passage, the contrast medium was leaking. The leakage was found to be extending along the psoas muscle to the pelvis. On the transversal CT imaging scans, the contrast medium was seen along the medial and dorsal part of the perirenal space, and in the distal part, along the psoas muscle to the pelvis. The ureter was imaged from the pyeloureterical rupture to the site of the concrement. No signs of the damage of the renal parenchyma or perirenal bleeding were detected. During surgery, the site of the rupture was found and also a lot of the perirenal and periureteral liquid. After the extraction of the concrement, the suture of the rupture was made. Postoperative urography and CT showed a normal ureteral image. Conclusions. At the spontaneous partial disruption of the ureter, the contrast medium is still seen in the ureter, distally from the site of the rupture and as extravasation along the psoas muscle.
Summary     Izhodišča. Avtorji so v prispevku predstavili primer spontane delne raztrganine uretra med napadom ledvičnih kolik, ki ga je povzročil ledvični kamen v proksimalnem delu uretra v višini processus transversusa L3. Prikaz primera. Urografsko slikanje je pokazalo razširitev ureteralnega kanala pa tudi ledvičnega meha. V višini pielo-ureternega prehoda je slika pokazala iztekanje kontrastnega sredstva. Kontrastno sredstvo je bilo razlito ob musculusu psoas. Prečne slike, narejene z računalniško tomografijo, so pokazale razlito kontrastno sredstvo vzdolž medialnega in dorzalnega dela perirenalnega prostora in distalno ob musculus psoas. Ureter je bil na sliki prikazan od raztrganine na pielo-ureternem prehodu do mesta ledvičnega kamna. Na uretru ni bilo znamenj o poškodbah parenhima ali o krvavitvah v perirenalnem prostoru. Med operacijo smo našli mesto raztrganine, ki je bilo obdano z veliko količino perirenalne in periureterne tekočine. Po odstranitvi kamna smo raztrganino kirurško zašili. Pooperativna urografija in slika uretra z računalniško tomografijo sta bili normalni. Zaključki. Pri delni spontani raztrganini uretra še vedno vidimo v uretru kontrastno sredstvo distalno od mesta raztrganine in iztekajoče vzdož musculusa psoas.
Descriptors     URETERAL CALCULI