Author/Editor     Bilban, Marjan
Title     Statistični kazalniki odsotnosti z dela
Translated title     An absence from work
Type     članek
Source     Delo Varn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 47, št. 3
Publication year     2002
Volume     str. 131-6
Language     slo
Abstract     Sick leave is a very significant overall social factor and therefore quite often subject of research. The most common question is what are the main reasons for it, how to describe it best, and how to manage or better reduce it. It is also quite an important factor for risk assessment, because its existence stands for inadequate working conditions, excessive workload, poor work organisation, difficult human relations, which can finally result in injuries at the workplace, occupational diseases and disability.
Summary     Bolniška odsotnost je zelo pomemben celosten družbeni dejavnik in zato tudi široko proučevana. Pogosto vprašanje je, kateri so glavni vzroki zanj, kakšen je in kako ga obvladovati oziroma še bolje-zmanjšati. Pomemben je tudi pri oceni tveganja, kajti v njegovi pojavnosti se skrivajo neurejene delovne razmere, preobremenitve, slaba organizacija dela, slabi medsebojni odnosi, ki končno lahko vplivajo na pojavnost poškodb pri delu, poklicnih bolezni in invalidiziranje.
Descriptors     ABSENTEEISM