Author/Editor     Banovec, Nevenka
Title     Ocenjevanje za razvoj
Translated title     Assessment for development
Type     članek
Source     Kadri Ljubl
Vol. and No.     , št. mar
Publication year     2002
Volume     str. 22-8
Language     slo
Abstract     An integrated insight into the potential of individuals and their responses at work and in leading employees provides a company's management with a good basis for planning leader development and encouraging leader-like behaviour. It is a common task of the management and in-house experts to ensure the continuous development of managers. The contribution presents the Insights self-assessment system. Its objective is to identify an individual's disposition and temperament, which gives us an insight into that person's natural potential in relation to the 360-degree approach to assessing job behaviour. A behaviour assessment questionnaire was developed and now forms part of the manager development system. The questionnaire is a result of tasks shared by the management and company experts and part of a living system which changes according to the demands and challenges facing Krka's managers. A combination of both tools provides the basis for high-quality development of the preferred types of behaviour with Krka's management.
Summary     Celovit vpogled v potencial posameznikov in njihov odziv pri delu in vodenju zaposlenih omogočajo upravi družbe podlago za načrtovanje razvoja vodij in vzpodbujanje vedenj, ki se od njih pričakujejo. Zagotoviti stalen razvoj menedžerjev je skupna naloga vodstva in strokovnih služb. Predstavljena bo uporaba samoocenjevalnega sistema Insights za ugotavljanje posameznikove naravnanosti in temperamenta, ki nam omogoča vpogled v posameznikov naravni potencial v povezavi s 360 stopinjskim pristopom ocenjevanja dejanskega vedenja pri delu. Vprašalnik za ocenjevanje želenih vedenj kot del sistema razvoja menedžerjev je rezultat skupnih nalog vodstva in strokovnih služb in je del živega sistema, ki se spreminja glede na zahteve in izzive, ki se postavljajo pred Krkine menedžerje. Povezava obeh orodij omogoča osnovo za kakovosten razvoj menedžmenta v smeri želenih vedenj.
Descriptors     DRUG INDUSTRY