Author/Editor     Švigelj, Zdenka
Title     Klub zdravljenih alkoholikov v Krki, d. d., Novo mesto
Translated title     Treated alcoholics club in Krka d. d., Novo mesto
Type     članek
Source     Kadri Ljubl
Vol. and No.     , št. mar
Publication year     2002
Volume     str. 83-91
Language     slo
Abstract     Alcohol has become a constant companion in our lives and is often not regarded as a drug at all. Unlike the culturally accepted consumption of alcohol in limited quantities, alcohol addiction is a situation that can become a serious personal, family and social problem. Disciplinary rules within companies are quite strict. Nevertheless, organisations should not shut their eyes to the reality and imagine alcoholism simply does not exist in their work places. It may not be a mass phenomenon, but there are individuals whose lives succumb to this harmful habit; this then turns into addiction and can lead the addict and his/her family to ruin and the addict to social isolation. At Krka, we are fully aware of this problem and have worked on it very carefully. Therefore, a club of treated alcoholics was established with the aim of including and linking all former alcoholics into a group of workers with similar problems and a similar need for abstinence. The club has been active for nine years. The contribution will present the rich personal and professional experience in this area.
Summary     Alkohol je postal vsakdanji spremljevalec v življenju, tako da ga največkrat Ijudje ne štejejo med droge. Zasvojenost z alkoholom pa je stanje, ki za razliko od kulturnega uživanja alkohola postane resen osebni, družinski in družbeni problem. Tudi v podjetjih si, kljub strogi delovni disciplini, ne moremo zatiskati oči, da alkoholizma ni. Ni sicer masovno, so pa posamezniki, ki svoje življenje prepustijo nepotrebni škodljivi razvadi, ki postane zasvojenost in lahko človeka in njegove najbližje pripelje v propad, njega pa v socialno izolacijo. Zavedanje tega problema in skrbno delo na tem področju je v Krki, tovami zdravil, privedlo do ustanovitve Kluba zdravljenih alkoholikov. Želeli so, da vključi in trdneje poveže vse zdravljene alkoholike v skupino sodelavcev z enakimi problemi in potrebi po vzdržnosti. V Krki tako klub deluje že devet let. Predstavljene bodo bogate osebne strokovne izkušnje pri celotnem delu na tem področju.
Descriptors     ALCOHOLISM