Author/Editor     Markovič, Jasmina; Novak-Jankovič, Vesna
Title     Spinalna anestezija pri bolniku s Huntingtonovo boleznijo - klinični primer
Translated title     Spinal anaesthesia in patient with Huntington's disease - a case report
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 71, št. 7-8
Publication year     2002
Volume     str. 437-8
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. Huntingtons disease is a rare (estimated frequency of 1:10,000-15,000) autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disease. Anesthetic experience with these patients is limited. Case description. A case of spinal anaesthesia of 62-year-old man with progressed stage of Huntingtons disease is described. An operation was made because of subtrochanteric fracture of the right femur. Spinal anaesthesia was done briefly and without any technical problems (needle G25,3 ml of 0.5% isobaric bupivacin). So the choreatic movements of the legs were interrupted, and the movements of the upper part of the body with droperidol 2.5 mg intravenously. The surgical conditions were optimal. The operation was conducted without complications and finished within 90 minutes. The postoperative period was without any special problems. Conclusions. We would like to contribute our part to the anaesthetic experience in patients with Huntingtons disease and to show that spinal anaesthesia is suitable and safe also for procedure longer than one our.
Summary     Izhodišča. Huntingtonova bolezen je redka (s prevalenco 1:10.000-15.000) avtosomno dominantno dedna nevrodegenerativna bolezen. Anesteziološke izkušnje pri teh bolnikih so skromne. Opis primera. Opisan je primer spinalne anestezije 62-letnega bolnika z napredovalo Huntingtonovo bolezen. Operiran je bil zaradi subtrohanternega zloma desne stegnenice. Spinalno anestezijo smo izvedli hitro in brez večjih tehničnih težav (igla G25, 3 ml 0,5% izobaričnega bupivacaina). Tako smo prekinili horeatične zgibke spodnjih udov, zgibke zgornjih udov pa z droperidolom 2,5 mg intravensko. Operativni pogoji so bili optimalni. Poseg je potekal brez zapletov in je trajal 90 minut. Pooperativni potek je minil brez posebnih težav. Zaključki. Z našim poročilom bi radi prispevali svoj delež k anesteziološkim izkušnjam pri bolnikih s Huntingtonovo boleznijo in prikazali, da je spinalna anestezija primerna in varna tudi pri večjem posegu, daljšem od ene ure.