Author/Editor     Ključevšek-Novak, Berta
Title     Sporazumevanje v domovih za starejše - izkušnja zdravnika družinske medicine
Translated title     Communication in residential homes - experiences of a family doctor
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 41, št. 3-6
Publication year     2002
Volume     str. 124-6
Language     slo
Abstract     Communication in residential homes is - due to specific characteristics of elderly population - more complex than anywhere else. Therefore the doctor should master communication skills and team work. Communication runs on various intertwining and complementing levels. For his work, the doctor needs also data, gathered by nursing staff at their everyday work. He tutors and educates nurses who are his direct co-workers. When working with the elderly, doctors empathy and non-verbal communication skills are essential. An important part of his work in residential home is communication with the elderlys family. An adequate communication system among key persons in residential homes is the basis for the best possible health state of the elderly in this sensitive life period and environment.
Summary     Sporazumevanje v domovih za starejše je zaradi specifičnih lastnosti populacije starostnikov zahtevnejše kot marsikje drugje. Od zdravnika zahteva znanje veščin sporazumevanja in obvladanje timskega dela. Sporazumevanje poteka na več ravneh, ki se med seboj prepletajo in dopolnjujejo. Zdravnik potrebuje za dobro delo v domu tudi podatke, ki jih zbira osebje doma pri vsakodnevnem delu. Zdravnik vzgaja in izobražuje medicinske sestre, ki so njegove neposredne sodelavke. Pri delu s starostnikom je pomembna zdravnikova lastnost empatija in neverbalno komuniciranje. Pomemben del zdravnikovega dela je komunikacija s starostnikovimi svojci. Dober sistem prenosa informacij med ključnimi osebami v domovih je osnova za čim boljše počutje starostnikov v tem občutljivem življenjskem obdobju in okolju.
Descriptors     HOMES FOR THE AGED