Author/Editor     Glaser, E
Title     Pilotska študija testiranj anti hepatitis C virusa pri darovalcih krvi in drugih potencialno ogroženih skupinah ljudi
Translated title     Pilot study of anti-hepatitis C virus testing among blood donors and other risk groups of people
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 60, št. 7-8
Publication year     1991
Volume     str. 319-22
Language     slo
Abstract     In the frame of the multicenter pilot study, 898 blood donors were tested with the anti HCV EIA test (Ortho Diagnostic Systems). Among these 10 or 1.34 percent anti hepatitis C virus (anti HCV) positive persons were found, while none were found among 58 tested first-time donors. Amon 64 prisoners 2 anti HCV positive persons of 3.13 percent were found. Among 18 patients with non A hepatitis (NANBH) (with increased ALT (GPT), positive liver biopsy findigs, citomegaolvirus and Epstein-Barr negative) 2 or 11.11 percent were anti HCV positive, while among 7 persons with initial and clinically suspect diagnosis of NANBH with inncreased ALT one anti HCV positive person, or 14.28 percent, was detected. In other patients (without hepatitis A nor B markers) 4.08 percent were found, while in those with acute hepatitis type A IgM none were found to be anti HCV positive. In carriers of anti hepatitis B core IgG 15.38 percent were positive. Among 12 nurses, technicians and physicians of the Department for Transfusiology and Immunohematology none were found to be anti HCV positive. All those who had been actively vaccinated against hepatitis B surface antigen were anti HCV negative. Among 4 hemophiliacs (3 were anti hepatitis B core positive) 3 were anti HCV positive, i.e. 75 percent, both anti HIV positive persons were 100 percent anti HCV positive. It proved necessary to test patients with NANBH, risk groups and blood donors for anti HCV, since it was established that blood receivers with anti HCV antibodies frequently develop NANBH. We are also using the RIBA test.
Descriptors     BLOOD DONORS