Author/Editor     Toplak, I; Barlič-Maganja, D; Hostnik, P; Grom, J
Title     Genetic heterogeneity of bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) strains isolated in Slovenia
Translated title     Genetska heterogenost virusnih sevov bovine virusne diareje (BVD), izoliranih v Sloveniji
Type     članek
Source     Slov Vet Res
Vol. and No.     Letnik 39, št. 2
Publication year     2002
Volume     str. 113-23
Language     eng
Abstract     A selection of 44 bovine viral diarrhoea viruses (BVDV), isolated mainly from persistently infected cattle on 24 Slovenian farms between 1997 and 2001, were genetically characterised. The alignment and genetic typing of the 5'NCR (5' noncoding region) sequences of all the Slovenian isolates showed that several of them were identical, giving a total number of 14 different sequences. In Europe, eleven subtypes of the BVDV-1 genotype have recently been identified and the Slovenian isolates were clustered into five of these phylogenetic groups. Seventeen isolates were grouped into BVDV ld, twenty-one into BVDV lf, four were grouped into BVDV lb, one isolate belonged to the genetic group BVDV la, and another to BVDV lg. No genotype-2 BVDV was found. This genetic prevalence matched those previously reported for neighbouring European countries, as opposed to findings reported for e.g. France, Spain, the UK and the USA. Several virus isolates from eight cattle herds were analysed and, with one exception, all the isolates were of the same genetic group. A comparison between the 5'NCR sequences of BVDV isolates from different herds has the advantage of being an extremely rapid method of confirming the virus genotype and gives further indication of a viral relationship between two or more herds.
Summary     V letih od 1997 do 2001 smo v 24 različnih rejah iz štirih slovenskih regij izolirali 44 virusov BVD in jih genetsko karakterizirali. Na podlagi poravnave zaporedij in genetske tipizacije 44 slovenskih izolatov virusov BVD smo ugotovili, da so številni povsem enaki. Pri določanju nukleotidnih zaporedij 5'NCR (5' nekodirajoča regija) smo dobili 14 različnih zaporedij. Med enajstimi evropskimi podtipi izolatov virusov BVD 1 pripadajo slovenski petim podtipom. Sedemnajst izolatov virusov BVD smo uvrstili v podtip BVD ld, enaindvajset v BVD 1f, štiri v BVD lb in po en izolat v podtip BVD 1a in BVD 1g. Virusov genotipa BVD 2 nismo našli. Ugotovljeni podtipi izolatov virusov BVD se ujemajo s tistimi, ki so jih ugotovili v nam bližnjih evropskih državah in so drugačni od podtipov, ki so jih ugotovili npr. v Franciji, Španiji, Veliki Britaniji in ZDA. Genetsko smo analizirali večje število izolatov iz osmih rej; razen v enem primeru so vsi izolati iz iste reje pripadali isti genetski skupini virusov. Primerjava zaporedij v 5'NCR različnih virusnih izolatov, ki izvirajo iz različnih rej, omogoča hitro tipizacijo virusov BVD. S to metodo lahko primerjamo različne seve virusov BVD in doka*emo vzročno povezavo med okužbami v različnih rejah.