Author/Editor     Smrke, Dragica; Zupan, Blaž; Lenarčič, Blaž; Arnež, Zoran
Title     Dlančniki in register bolnikov z zlomom v področju zapestja
Translated title     Handhelds and registry of patients with wrist fractures
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 71, št. 9
Publication year     2002
Volume     str. 525-8
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. In the past decade and with increased life expectancy the incidence of wrist fractures has been rising. To improve a quality of treatment of patients with wrist fractures, a protocol specifying the timing and nature of the patient data to be recorded and an appropriate information solution are needed. Methods. The protocol for acquisition of data on patients with fractures of distal radius was based on internationally accepted standards. Computer-based implementation of the protocol used standard approaches for building databases on handhelds. Results. We have developed a protocol for data acquisition from patients with fractures of distalradius. The protocol consists of four follow-ups and includes an initial examination, two control exams and a final examination. The application that supports the protocol was implemented on a handheld computer, so that its practical value and ease of use could have been assessed. Conclusions. The proposed protocol and its handheld-based implementation were already used to acquire the data from more then 100 patients with Colles' wrist fracture. Only unstable fractures of distal radius with 20 degrees dislocation, potentially including a dorsal fragment, have been considered.
Summary     Izhodišča. V zadnjem desetletju se s podaljšano življenjsko dobo povečuje pojavnost zlomov v področju zapestja. Za bolj kakovostno obravnavo bolnikov sta potrebna protokol, ki opredeli čas in vrsto podatkov, ki se zajemajo ob pregledih bolnikov z zlomi zapestja, in ustrezna informacijska rešitev. Metode. Razvoj protokola za zajem podatkov o bolnikih z zlomi končnega dela koželjnice je temeljil na mednarodnih standardih s tega področja. Za i mplementacijo protokola smo uporabili standardne metode implementacij baz podatkov na dlančnikih. Rezultati. Razvili smo protokol za zajem podatkov o bolnikih z zlomi končnega dela koželjnice, ki je sestavljen izštirih pregledov (pregled ob sprejemu bolnika, dva kontrolna pregleda, končni pregled). Da bi zagotovili čim enostavnejšo in čim bolj priročno uporabo protokola, smo ga priredili za uporabo na dlančnikih. Zaključki. S protokolom in razvitim informacijskim sistemom smo do sedaj zajeli že več kot 100 bolnikov s Collesovim zlomom zapestja in pri tem obravnavali samo nestabilne zlome končnega dela koželjnice z več kot 20-stopinjsko dislokacijo, možno tudi z dorzalno lusko in/ali intraartikularno fisuro. Pilotna uporaba sistema nakazuje visoko uporabno vrednost sistema v praksi.
Descriptors     WRIST INJURIES