Author/Editor     Jošt, Jožica
Title     Zdravstvena nega in vloga medicinske sestre / zdravstvenega tehnika pri pripravi bolnika pred in po bronhoskopiji na bolniškem oddelku
Translated title     Role of the nurse in pre- and post-bronchoscopy patient care
Type     članek
Source     Endoskopska revija
Vol. and No.     Letnik 7, št. 18
Publication year     2002
Volume     str. 129-30
Language     slo
Abstract     The aim of the preparation the patient for bronchoscopy is to instruct him/her with the procedure itself in order to achieve better co-operation in the process of the procedure together with his/her constant entire treatment. The most frequent nursing problems to be solved in the nursing care of the patient in whom bronchoscopy is indicated are related to his/her life activities: expression of the emotions and communication, sleeping and rest as well as instruction. The nurse should take into consideration the standards for the preparation of the patient and documentation at the bronchoscopy unit and enable the patient to understand and fill in the form of written consent with the explanation of the physician-the bronchoscopist. The task of the nurse is to prevent-with her knowledge and activities-any possible complications, to register them and to take measures according to her competence and inform other members of the medical team.
Summary     Namen priprave bolnika na bronhoskopijo je seznaniti ga s preiskavo, doseči njegovo boljše sodelovanje v procesu preiskave in ga ves čas obravnavati celostno. Najbolj pogosti negovalni problemi, ki se rešujejo z zdravstveno nego (ZN) pri bolniku, naročenem za bronhoskopijo, se nanašajo na življenske dejavnosti: izražanje čustev in komunikacija, spanje, počitek in poučevanje. Medicinska sestra (MS) in zdravstveni tehnik (ZT) upoštevata standard priprave bolnika in dokumentacije na bolniškem oddelku za bronhoskopijo in bolniku omogočita razumevanje ter izpolnitev pisanega soglasja bolnika z razlago zdravnika za bronhoskopijo. Naloga MS/ZT je, da s svojim znanjem in z dejavnostmi prepreči možne zaplete oziroma jih pravočasno opazi, zabeleži, ukrepa glede na pristojnosti in obvesti ostale člane zdravstvenega tima.
Descriptors     BRONCHOSCOPY