Author/Editor     Lužnik-Bufon, T; Grosek, Š; Škerl, M
Title     Bolnišnične okužbe pri otrocih
Translated title     Hospital-acquired infections in children
Type     članek
Source     Slov Pediatr
Vol. and No.     Letnik 9, št. 2-3
Publication year     2002
Volume     str. 159-63
Language     slo
Abstract     Hospitalised neonates and children frequently have severe disease that may require invasive diagnostic or therapeutic procedures. During infancy close contact between the children and caregivers is required. In hospital they are therefore exposed to contact with contaminated hands of staff and contaminated environmental surfaces. Their inability to control their bowels during the first years of life favours the transmission of enteric pathogens. Mouthing behaviours offer easy routes for the transmission of respiratory pathogens. However, a multiplicity of attributes distinguishes the child from the adult and highlights the differences in hospital-acquired infections.
Summary     Zaradi resnosti bolezni so hospitalizirani novorojenčki in drugi otroci pogosto izpostavljeni invazivni diagnostičnim in terapevtskim posegom. Ker potrebujejo tesen stik z negovalnim osebjem, so v bolnišnici izpostavljeni stiku s kontaminiranimi rokami osebja in s kontaminiranim okoljem. Ker v prvih letih svojega življenja niso zdržni pri izločanju, je večja verjetnost za prenos črevesnih patogenih mikroorganizmov. "Oralno" vodenje v tem razvojnem obdobju pa omogoča širjenje mikroorganizmov, ki povzročajo okužbe dihal. Različnost med otrokom in odraslim se zrcali tudi v različnosti glede okužb, pridobljenih v bolnišnici.
Descriptors     CROSS INFECTION