Author/Editor     Celar, Franci; Kač, Milica
Title     Competition for nutrients between phytopathogenic and antagonistic soil fungi
Translated title     Tekmovanje za hranila med fitopatogenimi in antagonističnimi talnimi glivami
Type     članek
Source     Zb Bioteh Fak Univ Ljubl Kmet
Vol. and No.     Letnik 77, št. 2
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 115-24
Language     eng
Abstract     Five phytopathogenic fungi were used in the experiments, three of the Fusarium genus (F. solani, F. sambucinum, F. moniliforme) together with Rhizoctonia solani and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Of five agonistic fungi tested, four belong to the Trichoderma genus (T longibrachiatum, T. harzianum, T viride, T koningii ), additionally Gliocladium roseum was included in the study. The results of the experiments show that compared to the phytopahogenic fungi, in most cases the antagonistic fungi are capable of using the nitrogen as ammonium at statistically significant higher rates during the first six days of cultivation. Further on, it has been shown, that they begin by using the nitrogen as ammonium and switch to the nitrate form of nitrogen when the former is being nearly used up. As far the nitrogen in the nitrate form is considered, the situation is reversed: in most cases the phytopathogenic fungi of the Fusarium genus perform a statistically significant quicker use of the nitrogen in the form of nitrate compared to the antagonistic fungi. The fungi R. solani and S. sclerotiorum first use nitrogen in the form of ammonium and if this one is getting short, they switch to the nitrate form of nitrogen. The fungi from the Fusarium genus use the two sources of nitrogen simultaneously. Even at the beginning, when there is plenty of nitrogen in the ammonium form available they use the nitrite form of nitrogen at the same time. Owing to the rate of using glucose from the growth medium the phytopathogenic fungi can be divided into two groups compared to the antagonistic fungi. The fungi from the Fusarium genus use the glucose at much higher rates compared to the antagonistic fungi. Fungi S. sclerotiorum in R. solani behave differently since their rates of using the glucose from the growth medium are statistically significantly lower.
Summary     V poskusih smo uporabili pet fitopatogenih gliv, od tega tri iz rodu Fusarium (F. solani, F. sambucinum, F. moniliforme) in Rhizoctonia solani ter Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Od antagonističnih gliv smo preizkušali glive iz rodu Trichoderma (T. longibrachiatum, T. harzianum, T. viride, T. koningii ) in Gliocladium roseum). Rezultati našega poskusa kažejo, da v večini primerov antagonistične glive v primerjavi s fitopatogenimi do šestega dne statistično značilno hitreje izrabljajo amonijsko obliko dušika. Značilno je tudi, da najprej izrabljajo iz gojišča amonijsko obliko dušika, ko pa te začne primanjkovati preidejo na nitratno obliko. Pri izrabi nitratne oblike dušika pa je slika povsem obrnjena. Fitopatogene glive iz rodu Fusarium v primerjavi z antagonističnimi glivami v večini primerov statistično značilno hitreje izrabljajo iz gojiša nitratno obliko dušika. Glivi R. solani in S. sclerotiorum najprej izrabljata iz gojišča amonijsko obliko dušika in ob pomanjkanju le te preideta na nitratno obliko. Glive iz rodu Fusarium pa že na začetku, ko imajo v gojišču na voljo še dovolj amonijske oblike dušika, hkrati izrabljale tudi nitratno obliko dušika. Glede hitrosti izrabe glukoze iz gojišča lahko fitopatogene glive v primerjavi z antagonističnimi razdelimo v dve skupini. Glive iz rodu Fusarium porabljajo glukozo dosti hitreje kot antagonistične. Od njih pa se diametralno razlikujeta glivi S. sclerotiorum in R. solani, ki porabljata glukozo v primerjavi z vsemi antagonističnimi glivami statistično značilno počasneje.
Descriptors     SOIL