Author/Editor     Kalčič, Nina
Title     Španska gripa
Translated title     Spanish flu
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 41, št. 7-8
Publication year     2002
Volume     str. 257-62
Language     slo
Abstract     At the end of the First World War deadl y influenza pandemic erupted nearly all over the World. The first wave appeared in spring 1918, and was relatively mild with low mortality. By fall 1918, the second wave of the epidemic, influenza was the strongest in the living memory and has till now never didn't repeated. Such mass d ying has been attributed to the consequences of the First World War. People at the front and civilians were physicall y exhausted and there was also shortage of food. Sanitary conditions were very bad, there was shortage of drugs, physicians, medical staff and beds in hospitals. CI imatic conditions were very favourable for the spreading of the pandemics: low temperatures and high relative humidity. Spanish influenza had striken first of all in big cities, as there were the best conditions for its spreading. The third wave of Spanish influenza began in winter 1919, and was similar to the first one. With this third wave the fastest killer in the human history left the globe.
Summary     Konec 1. svetovne vojne je domala povsod po svetu izbruhnila pandemija španske gripe. V svojem prvem valu, tj. spomladi 1918, je bilo število smrtnih žrtev sorazmerno majhno. Jeseni 1918, v drugem valu bolezni, je influenca udarila s takšno silovitostjo, kakršne svet ni pomnil in se vse do danes še ni ponovila. Za tako množično umiranje je treba pripisati velik vpliv 1. svetovni vojni. Ljudje na fronti, in v zaledju so bili fizično izčrpani, primanjkovalo je hrane. Zdravstvene razmere so bile silno slabe, primanjkovalo je zdravil, zdravnikov, bolnišničnega osebja in prostora v bolnišnicah. Ugodno na "razcvet" pandemije so vplivale še klimatske razmere: nizke temperature in visoka relativna vlaga. Najsiloviteje je španska gripa udarila v velikih mestih, saj so bili tu dani najboljši pogoji za raznos bolezni. Tretji val španske gripe se je začel pozimi 1919, bil je podoben prvemu in z njim se je najhitrejša morilka v zgodovini človeštva poslovila od sveta.
Descriptors     INFLUENZA