Author/Editor     Mahkovic, R; Slivnik, T
Title     Smooth path planning on the basis of reduced visibility graph
Type     članek
Source     In: Hamza MH, editor. Modelling, identification and control. Proceedings of 16th IASTED international conference; 1997 Feb 17-19; Innsbruck. Anaheim: International association of science and technology for development,
Publication year     1997
Volume     str. 267-70
Language     eng
Abstract     A method of smooth path planning among obstacles iu known working space on the basis of reduced visibility graph (RVG) is presented. RVG has to be searched to determine some initial paths for the process of smoothing. The method is based on forrnulation of B-spline curne as interpolating curve through sorne given points - vertices of fhe RVG. The problern is then to find appropriate control vertices which "force" the curve (robot's pafh) to pass through prescribed positions. Wiggles of the palh are avoided by choosing the parametrizalion. of fhe splines in accordance with the Euclidean distances between interpolation points. The pafh is "dragged'' out of the obstacle when a collision is delected by augmenting the set of interpolation points. A portion of turning circle is placed at the begining of the pafh in order fo take inlo account starting orientation.. The resulting pafh is Ck-2 continuous, if k is the order of the B-spline.
Descriptors     SOFTWARE