Author/Editor     Bilban, Marjan; Balažic, Jože
Title     Škodljiva raba alkohola na delovnem mestu: zakonodajno-deontološki vidik
Type     članek
Source     In: Zbornik referatov. 5. mednarodna konferenca Globalna varnost; 2002 okt 6-9; Portorož. Ljubljana: Zavod za varstvo pri delu,
Publication year     2002
Volume     str. 1-10
Language     slo
Abstract     The working field is one of those fields where the detrimental use of alcohol or even addiction to alcohol, drugs or psychoactive medication is the cause for the largest share of material damage. Despite the fairly explicit and known legislation in this field, employers often do not know how to deal with a drunken employee and even far less what to do with an alcohol addict. This article summarises the positive employment-related legislation in this field and discusses how an employer should organise this field by internal regulations. A testing method for alcohol, drugs and psychoactive medication, as well as procedures concerning the prevention of difficulties connected to alcohol, drugs and psychoactive medication in the working environment are suggested. Since alcohol, drugs and psychoactive medication at the workplace are usually also a moral question, a deontological view on addiction, moral and ethical standards or recommended rules at the workplace are given. The business morale should give the employee the answer what work is, however, the legal regulations should provide him with a safe and healthy as well as pleasing work.
Descriptors     ALCOHOL DRINKING