Author/Editor     Rok-Simon, Mateja
Title     Poškodbe otrok v dveh ljubljanskih vrtcih v letu 1999
Translated title     Injuries among children in two day care centres in Ljubljana in 1999
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 41, št. 9-10
Publication year     2002
Volume     str. 309-14
Language     slo
Abstract     The most frequent causes of death accidents and accidents which request the preschool child addmittance into hospital are known, but do not suffice for planning the preventive programmes of institutions, e. g. kindergartens. The purpose of this research was to find out the frequency and characteristics of injuries occurence in kindergartens. In the year 1999 2967 children from two kindergartens in Ljubljana were included into research with the aim to expose the most frequent types and causes of injuries in kindergarten, to evaluate the knowledge of pedagogical personnel in first aid and injuries prevention, and to suggest the solutions. Nearly half of 117 registered injuries in kindergartens requested medical treatment among them as much as 18 % of fractures. The injuries of head and arms, wounds and contusions by nature, prevailed. The majority of injuries happened by fall, slip or stumble of child against furniture or other equipment in the kindergarten. The causes for injuries on playgrounds were most often blows against toys, falls from playground equipment and inadequately designed playgrounds. Only in half of the cases the first aid on behalf of pedagogic personnel was adequately performed. A longterm programme is needed to achieve the necessary changed in kindergartens which should besides health-educational activities tackle also financial obstacles that hinder the prevention of injuries in kindergartens.
Summary     Najpogostejši vzroki smrtnih poškodb in poškodb, ki zahtevajo sprejem predšolskega otroka v bolnišnico so znani, vendar to ne zadošča za načrtovanje preventivnih programov v ustanovah, npr. v vrtcu. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti pogostost in značilnosti pojavljanja poškodb otrok v vrtcu. V letu 1999 je bilo v raziskavo vključenih 2967 otrok iz dveh Ijubljanskih vrtcev. Cilj raziskave je bil prikazati najpogostejše vrste poškodb v vrtcu, vzroke nastanka, oceniti znanje pedagoškega osebja o prvi pomoči in preprečevanju poškodb ter predlagati rešitve. Od vseh 117 zabeleženih poškodb v vrtcih jih je skoraj polovica zahtevala zdravljenje pri zdravniku, med temi je bilo kar 18% zlomov. Prevladovale so poškodbe glave in rok, po naravi poškodbe pa rane in udarnine. Največ poškodb se je zgodilo, ko je otrok padel, ker mu je spodrsnilo, se je spotaknil in pri tem udaril ob pohištvo ali drugo opremo v vrtcu. Vzrok za poškodbe na igrišču so bili najpogosteje udarci in padci z igral ter neprimerno urejeno igrišče. Prva pomoč ob poškodbi je bila s strani pedagoškega osebja nudeno pravilno samo v polovici primerov. Za dosego sprememb v vrtcih je potreben dolgotrajen program, ki bi poleg zdravstvenovzgojnih dejavnosti uspešno reševal tudi finančne ovire, s katerimi se srečujejo vrtci pri preprečevanju poškodb.
Descriptors     ACCIDENTS