Author/Editor     Lešničar, Gorazd; Blatnik, Janja; Šibanc, Branko; Cvitan, Stella; Ilijaš, Ana; Felc, Zlatka
Title     Uspešnost profilaktičnih ukrepov proti hepatitisu B pri novorojencih HBsAg pozitivnih mater v obdobju 1997-2002 na Celjskem
Translated title     The effectiveness of prophylactic measures against hepatitis B in newborns of HBsAg positive mothers for the period 1997-2002 in Celje region
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 71, št. 11
Publication year     2002
Volume     str. 685-9
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. There are about 400 million hepatitis B carriers in the world, of these some 20, 000 live in Slovenia. Due to the low prevalence of chronic hepatitis B carriers in our country, the infection is most requently transmitted by means of sexual intercourse with an infected person, or parenterally, by blood. Perinatal transmissions from an infected mother to her child which represent the most frequent infection route in the hyperendemic regions of Asia and Africa, should not be ignored either. Methods. A retrospective study was carried out at the Department for Infectious Diseases and Febrile Conditions of the General Hospital Celje with the aim to assess the success of postnatal and later prophylaxis of children against hepatitis B infection for the period 1997-2002. Children aged 1-5 years were examined using clinical biochemical and virological tests for hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV. Results. We examined 23 out of 33 invited HBsAg positive mothers and their children, who received immediate postnatal prophylaxis with specific immunoglobulins and vaccination against hepatitis B. After wards they received two additional vaccinations in a Pediatric Clinic or in an Institute of public health Celje. At the time of follow-up examination none of the children had positive serum markers for active viral infection with hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV. All the children had sufficiently high titers of protective antibodies against hepatitis B virus present in the serum (> 10 IU/ml). AgHBs became negative in one mother only while the rest remained asymptomatic carriers of hepatitis B virus. Consequently no treatment was required. Conclusions. Regardless of the out standingly favorable results of postnatal prophylaxis against hepatitis B in our study subjects, the small number of children receiving this protection a nd the short follow-up period do not allow any long-term prognoses. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters).
Summary     Izhodišča. Na svetu živi pribl. 400 milijonov nosilcev virusa hepatitisa B, od tega ocenjujejo, da jih v Sloveniji živi pribl. 20.000. Zaradi nizke prevalence kroničnih nosilcev virusa hepatitisa B je pri nas najpogostejši način prenosa okužbe s spolnim stikom z okuženo osebo in parenteralni prenos okužbe s krvjo (naključni vbodi, venski uživalci nedovojenih drog...). Zanemarljivi niso tudi obporodni prenosi z okužene matere na otroka, ki v hiperendemskih področjih Azije in Afrike predstavljajo najpogostejši način okužbe. Metode. Na oddelku za infekcijske bolezni in vročinska stanja Splošne bolnišnice v Celju smo z retrospektivno študijo raziskali uspešnost poporodne in kasnejše profilakse otrok proti okužbi z virusom hepatitisa B v obdobju 1997-2002. Otroke smo preiskali 1-5 let po rojstvu klinično, biokemično in z virološkimi testi na viruse hepatitisa B, hepatitisa C in HIV. Rezultati. Preiskali smo 23 od 33 vabljenih HBsAg pozitivnih mater in njihovih otrok, ki so bili takoj po porodu zaščiteni s specifičnimi imunoglobulini in cepljeni s cepivom proti hepatitisu B. Dvakrat so bili nato še cepljeni v otroškem dispanzerju oz v Zavodu za zdravstveno varstvo Celje. V času kontrolnega pregleda nihče od otrok ni imel v serumu navzočih označevalcev aktivne okužbe z virusom hepatitisa B hepatitisa C in HIV. Vsi otroci so imeli v serumu zadostne titre zaščitnih protiteles proti povrhnjici virusa hepatitisa B (nad 10 IU/ml). AgHBs se je negativiziral le pri eni materi, ostale so danes asimptomatske nosilke virusa hepatitisa B in ne potrebujejo zdravljenja. (Izvleček skrajšan pri 2000 znakih).
Descriptors     HEPATITIS B