Author/Editor     Globočnik-Petrovič, Mojca
Title     Vitreoretinalni poseg in njegove indikacije v očesni kirurgiji
Translated title     Vitreoretinal surgery and its indications
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 71, št. 11
Publication year     2002
Volume     str. 691-5
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. Vitreoretinal surgery is the second most frequent surgery after cataract extraction. It is indicated in the treatmentof various vitreous and retinal disorders such as diabetic retinopathy, proliferatfve vitreoretinopathy, endophthalmitis, penetrating and perforating injuries of the eye. 400 vitreoretinal operations were done in University Eye Clinic in Ljub jana last year which is three times more like years ago. Almost third of all vitreoretinal operations were done on patients with diabetic retinopathy, 22% on patients with proliferative vitreoretinopathy, 10% on traumatic eyes and 14% were reoperations. Remaining 28% of operations were done on eyes with different diagnoses such as macular diseases, retinal detachment, haematovitreus, endophthalmitis and dropped nucleus, During vitrectomy, vitreous opacities are excised and abnormal structural changes above and beneath the retina can be removed. Depending on the type of retinal disease different types of vitreous cavity tamponade such as silicone oil, gas or intraocular saline are used. Conclusions. Improved knowledge of the pathoh istology of abnormal vitreoretinal structural changes and new surgical techniques have resulted in improved anatomical and visual results of vitreoretinal surgery. The list of indications has expanded and some macular diseases which were untreatable a few years ago can now be routinely operated with good results.
Summary     Izhodišča. Vitreoretinalne operacije so najpogostejše znotrajočesne operacije po operacijah katarakte. Vitreoretinalna operacija je indicira na pri številnih boleznih steklovine in mrežnice: diabetična retinopatija, proliferativna vitreoretinopatija, bolezni rumene pege, endoftalmitis, očesne poškodbe in druge. V novih prostorih Očesne klinike v Ljubljani smo v lanskem letu opravili več kot 400 vitreoretinalnih posegov (VRP), kar je trikrat več kot pred leti. Skoraj tretjino vseh VRP smo opravili pri očeh z diabetično retinopatijo, 22% pri bolnikih s proliferativno vitreoretinopatijo, 10% na poškodovanih očeh, 14% je bilo reoperacij in 28% VRP različnih diagnoz, kot so operacije rumene pege, regmatogen odstop mrežnice, hematovitreusi različnih etiologij endoftalmitisi, luksirane leče. Z vitreoretinalno operacijo odstranimo motnjave v steklovini in bolezenske spremembe na mrežnici ali pod njo. Steklovinski prostor zapolnimo z različnimi snovmi glede na bolezensko stanje mrežnice, s silikonskim oljem, z različnimi plini ali intraokularno raztopino. Zaključki. Zaradi napredka v poznavanju patoanatomskih in histoloških procesov pri boleznih steklovine in mrežnice, kot tudi zaradi uporabe novih tehnik in instrumentov se je anatomski infunkcionalni uspeh vitreoretinalne kirurgije izboljšal, obseg indikacij pa se je povečal.