Author/Editor     Fležar, Matjaž
Title     Spremembe porabe kisika med obremenitvijo
Translated title     Changes in oxygen consumption during exercise
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 41, št. 2-3
Publication year     2002
Volume     str. 173-6
Language     slo
Abstract     Exercise - the performance of muscle work - requires intact functional recruitment of the ventilatory, cardiovascular and muscular systems. The mechanisms leading to an increase in oxygen consumption during exercise are described. The oxygen status of the body is divided into various functional steps of oxygen transport and pathological mechanisms of oxygen transfer occurring at different levels of transport. Oxygen consumption mechanisms during exercise at high altitude are also described.
Summary     Telesna obremenitev od organizma zahteva izkoriščanje funkcijskih zalog dihalnega, srčnožilnega in mišičnega sistema. Opisani so mehanizmi povečanja porabe kisika v telesu med telesno obremenitvijo. Kisikov status organizma je razdeljen na različne faze prenosa kisika in patološke mehanizme, ki se v različnih fazah pojavljajo. Opisan je tudi mehanizem porabe kisika na velikih višinah.
Descriptors     ALTITUDE