Author/Editor     Mekjavić, Igor B; Jaki-Mekjavić, Polona; Gorjanc, Jurij
Title     Vpliv hipoksije na vedenjsko termoregulacijo - poročilo z odprave Si.mobil ski Everest 2000
Translated title     The effect of hypoxia on behavioural temperature regulation - report from the Si.mobil ski Everest 2000 expedition
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 41, št. 2-3
Publication year     2002
Volume     str. 219-23
Language     slo
Abstract     During the Si.mobil Ski Everest 2000 expedition the hypothesis that hypoxia affects temperature perception was tested. Subjects (N = 5), all members of the expedition, provided subjective ratings of temperature perception on a 7-point scale and thermal comfort on a 4-point scale at Base Camp (BC, 5360 m), Camp 1(C1, 6050 m), Camp 2 (C2, 6500 m), Camp 3 (C3, 7300 m) and Camp 4 (C4, 7950 m). In addition, we recorded oxygen saturation (SaO2, %), axilla temperature (Tax), and tympanic temperature (Tty). All measurements were made at 21.00 hrs after the subjects had been resting in a sleeping bag within the tent for a minimum of 30 minutes. Average (+- SD) SaOZ decreased from 75 (t 8) % at BC, to 65 (+- 5) % at C3. Although ambient temperature decreased with altitude from -9.6degreesC at BC to -27degreesC at C3, there were no sig nificant differences in either Tax [BC; 36.1 (+-0.1)degreesC; C1: 35.7 (+-0.5)degreesC; C2: 35.9 (t0.8)degreesC; C3: 36.8 (+-0.8)degreesC] or Tty [BC: 36.9 (+-0.3)degreesC; C1: 36.6 (+-0.5)degreesC; C2: 36.8 (+-0.8)degreesC; C3: 36.6 (+-0.8) degrees C] between measurements taken at the different camps. In contrast, there were significant changes (p < 0.001) in the perception of temperature from 4 (neutral) to 2 (cold) and in thermal comfort from 1(comfortable) to 3 (uncomfortable). All subjects reported experiencing an increased perception of warmth at the onset of supplemental oxygen breathing at altitude. Assuming that the subjects' thermal status was similar during all measurements, we conclude that hypoxia alters the perception of temperature and thermal comfort.
Summary     Na odpravi Si.mobil Ski Everest 2000 smo preverjali hipotezo, ki pravi, da hipoksija vpliva na zaznavo temperature. Vseh pet članov odprave (N = 5) je subjektivno zaznavo temperature opredelilo s pomočjo lestvice s sedmimi možnostmi in občutek termalnega ugodja s pomočjo lestvice s štirimi možnostmi. Merili smo nasičenost arterijske krvi s kisikom (SaO2, %), temperaturo pod pazduho (Tax) in temperaturo na bobniču (Tty). Meritve smo izvajali v baznem taboru (BT, 5360 m), na taboru 1 (T1, 6050 m), taboru 2 (T2, 6500 m), taboru 3 (T3, 7300 m) in taboru 4 (T4, 7950 m) in sicer vedno ob 21.00 uri, ko so alpinisti že ležali v spalni vreči v šotoru vsaj 30 minut. Povprečna SaOz (+- SD) se je zmanjšala iz 75% (+- 8) v BT na 65 % (+- 5) v T3. Kljub temu, da se je temperatura okolja z višino znižala iz -9,6 stopinj C v BT na -27 stopinj C v T3, pa nismo izmerili pomembnih razlik niti Tax [BT: 36,1 stopinj C (+- 0,1); T1: 35,7 stopinj C (+- 0,5); T2: 35,9 stopinj C (+-0,8); T3: 36,8 stopinj C (+-0,8)] niti Tty [BT: 36,9 stopinj C (+-0,3); T1: 36,6 stopinj C (+-0,5); T2: 36,8stopinjC (+- 0,8); T3: 36,6 stopinj C (+- 0,8)] izmerjenih v različnih taborih. V nasprotju s tem pa sta bili pomembno različni (p < 0,001) tako zaznava temperature, od 4 (nevtralno) do 2 (hladno), kot tudi termalno ugodje, od 1 (zelo udobno) do 3 (neudobno). Ko so na višini začeli dihati kisik, so vsi člani odprave dobili občutek toplote. Ker so bile izmerjene telesne temperature podobne pri vseh merjenjih sklepamo, da hipoksija vpliva na temperaturno zaznavo in na občutek toplotnega udobja.
Descriptors     MOUNTAINEERING