Author/Editor     Sernec, Karin
Title     Motnje hranjenja
Translated title     Eating disorders
Type     članek
Source     Farm Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 53, št. 4
Publication year     2002
Volume     str. 389-94
Language     slo
Abstract     Eating disorders have been recognised as an illness only in the last fifty years, although many descriptions of certain illnesses that today would be characterised as such had already been known earlier. Eating disorders are classified as mental disorders, which means that they are caused by a psychical factor. The sociologists and anthropologists consider them as ethnic disorders. With this disorders we cannot deny the link between personal distress and conflicts and the changes in the socio-political environment. The role of family in the development of human personality is important and indisputable. We divide families into functional (they enable appropriate physical and psycho-sociological development of the child) and non-functional (families with a certain problem or symptom). We can divide the risk factors for development of eating disorders into three groups: family, socio-cultural and bio-genetic risk factors. As eating disorders we consider: anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating. Every one of them has its own typical clinical and epidemiological picture and related disorders. The treatment is conducted in outpatient departments and hospitals. It is most successful when the motivation of the patient is high. The patient is considered cured not only when she/he doesn't have symptoms anymore but also when her/his psycho-sociological performance is satisfactory.
Summary     Motnje hranjenja obravnavamo kot bolezensko entiteto šele zadnjih 50 let, čeprav so bili že pred tem znani številni opisi določenih bolezni, ki bi jih dandanes uvrstili med motnje hranjenja. Motnje hranjenja uvrščamo med duševne motnje, kar pomeni, da je vzrok nastanka psihičen. Sociologi in antropologi pa jih opredeljujejo kot etnične motnje. To so motnje, kjer ne moremo zanikati povezave med osebnimi stiskami in konflikti ter spremembami v družbeno - političnem okolju. Vloga družine pri razvoju človekove osebnosti je pomembna in nesporna. Družine delimo na funkcionalne (otroku omogočijo ustrezen telesni in psiho-socialni razvoj) in na nefunkcionalne (družine v katerih obstaja določen problem oziroma simptom). Dejavnike tveganja za razvoj motenj hranjenja lahko delimo v tri skupine: družinski, socio-kulturni in biološko-genetski dejavniki tveganja. Med motnje hranjenja uvrščamo: anorexio nervoso, bulimio nervoso in kompulzivno preobjedanje. Vsaka izmed njih ima značilno klinično, epidemiološko sliko in pridružene motnje. Zdravljenje poteka ambulantno ali bolnišnično. Najuspešnejše je, kadar je lastna motivacija visoka. Ozdravljenja pa ne pomeni le odsotnosti simptomov motnje hranjenja, temveč tudi zadovoljujoče psiho-socialno funkcioniranje.
Descriptors     EATING DISORDERS