Author/Editor     Šuškovič, Stanislav
Title     Etiopatogeneza astme in poklicne astme
Translated title     Etiopathogenesis of asthma and of occupational asthma
Type     članek
Source     Sanitas et labor
Vol. and No.     Letnik 2, št. 1
Publication year     2002
Volume     str. 7-14
Language     slo
Abstract     Asthma can be divided into allergic, intrinsic and occupational asthma. Immunopathogenesis of all forms of asthma is quite similar. In allergic and some forms of occupational asthma sensibilisation to allergens or occupational allergens can also be found. Diagnosis of occupational asthma is performed with data of circadian variations of bronchial obstruction and temporal variations in bronchial hyperresponsiveness to methacholine. Because of low sensitivity and specifccity of allergenic tests, they should not be used in diagnosis of occupational asthma. On the other hand they could be useful in establishing the etiology of occupational asthma.
Summary     Astmo delimo na alergijsko, intrinzično in poklicno. Imunopatogeneza vseh oblik astme je v mnogočem enaka. Alergijsko in nekatere oblike poklicne astme posebej označuje senzibilizacija za alergene oziroma poklicne alergene. V diagnostičnem postopku poklicne astme vrednotimo časovne spremembe v cirkadiani variabilnosti zapore dihal in bronhialni preodzivnosti za metaholin. Te so pogojene z različno intenzivnostjo astmatskega vnetja bronhijev, sproženega z vdihavanjem poklicnega alergena. V diagnostičnem postopku poklicne astme pa zaradi slabe senzitivnosti in specifičnosti ugotovkov senzibilizacije za posamezni poklicni alergen tovrstnih ugotovkov ne smemo vrednotiti. S pridom pa jih uporabljamo pri razkrivanju etiologije poklicne astme.
Descriptors     ASTHMA