Author/Editor     Antolič, Gorazd; Novak-Antolič, Živa
Title     Zdravila v času dojenja
Translated title     Drugs during berast-feeding
Type     članek
Source     Farm Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 53, št. 1
Publication year     2002
Volume     str. 5-9
Language     slo
Abstract     Breast-feeding mothers requiring therapy are often concerned about the safety of possible drug consumption by their nursed infants. The most effective solution can be reached by providing qualified information by their physicians or pharmacists. Only this can assure safe breast-feeding as the optimal mode of nutrition for infant in the first 12 months of life. Most drugs, taken by breast-feeding mothers, are excreted into breast milk. The extent of the exposure of the child will depend on the pharmacokinetic properties of the drug in the child and mother while milk composition and infant suckling pattems are also important. The ratio of the concentration of a drug achieved in milk compared to maternal plasma (M/P ratio) obtained in clinical trials or theoretically can be used to assess the risk of the drug in breast milk for the nursed infant. It is estimated that the total amount of drug available for infant absorption is usually less than 1 % of the maternal dose. In the article the overview of various drug classes during breast-feeding is discussed. Incompatible with breast-feeding are: antineoplastics, bromocriptine, ergotamine, gold, iodine, lithium, oral contraceptives, phenobarbital, radiopharmaceuticals, social drugs and drugs of abuse.
Summary     Doječo mati, ki mora zaradi svoje bolezni jemati zdravila, vznemirjajo številna vprašanja, povezana z varnostjo dojenega otroka. Najučinkovitejša rešitev je ustrezna informacija, ki jo lahko dobi od zdravnika ali farmacevta. To je edino zagotovilo za varno dojenje, ki je dokazano najprimerejši način prehrane otrok do 12. meseca starosti. Večina zdravil, ki jih jemlje mati, lahko preide iz plazme v mleko. Stopnja izpostavljenosti dojenega otroka je odvisna od farmakokinetike zdravila pri otroku in materi; odločajo pa še sestava mleka in otrokove sesalne navade. Eden od načinov tehtanja morebitne nevarnosti zdravila za otroka je poskusno ali teoretično ugotovljeno razmerje koncentracije zdravila v mleku in plazmi (razmerje M/P). Ocenjujejo, da otrok običajno prejme pri dojenju manj kot 1% materinega odmerka zdravila. V prispevku podajamo pregled različnih skupin zdravil pri dojenju. Nezdružljiva z dojenjem so: antineoplastiki, bromokriptin, ergotamin, zlato, jod, litij, hormonske kontracepcijske tablete, fenobarbital, radiofarmacevtiki ter legalne in ilegalne droge.
Descriptors     BREAST FEEDING