Author/Editor     Pokorn, Dražigost
Title     Vpliv energijske gostote hrane na zaužito hrano
Translated title     The effect of energy density of food on food intake
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 41, št. 11-12
Publication year     2002
Volume     str. 339-41
Language     slo
Abstract     A high fat diet is one of the many contributory causal factors that promote overconsumption. The highly palatable nature of high-fat foods promote hyperphagia, active overconsumption, and act synergisticaly with the passive overconsumption phenomenon related to the increased energy density of fatty food. The effect of creating diets of constant energy density is in to abolishing the high-fat hyperfagia. The reason that the dietary fat content has such a potent effect on energy balance is that the subjects continue to consume the same bulk of food regardless of its composition, and thus consume more fat and more energy with the high fat diet. Diets providing a high variety of vegetables and fruits and low variety of fat food may promote a long-term reduction in voluntary energy intake and body fatness without a conscious restriction of energy iniake.
Summary     Prehrana z velikim deležem maščob je eden od številnih vzročnih dejavnikov, ki prispevajo k večji količini zaužite hrane. Mastna hrana, ki je po naravi zelo okusna, aktivno poveča količino zaužite hrane in deluje sinergistično s pasivnim povečanjem zaužite hrane, s pojavom, ki je povezan z visoko energijsko gostoto hrane. Maščobe imajo tako močan učinek na energijsko ravnotežje zato, ker osebe nadaljujejo z uživanjem enake količine hrane ne glede na njeno spremenjeno sestavo. Zato zaužijejo več maščobe in energije z višjo vsebnostjo maščob v hrani. Jedilniki, ki ponujajo pestro prehrano z veliko sadja in zelenjave in z malo maščobami, lahko pomagajo pri spontanem znižanju zaužite energije in telesnih maščob, ne da bi se tega zavedali.
Descriptors     DIETARY FATS