Author/Editor     Mramor, Minca
Title     Vpliv kliničnih dejavnikov na uspešnost prenosa z zamrzovanjem shranjenih zarodkov
Type     monografija
Place     Ljubljana
Publisher     Medicinska fakulteta
Publication year     2002
Volume     str. 45
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. Embryo cryopreservation solved the ethically controversial question of supernumerary embryos and improved the efficiency of infertility treatment. The success of frozenthawed embryo transfer depends on factors concerning the embryo and the woman and on their synchronization. The analysis of clinical and laboratorial parameters could help improve this important, new method of infertility treatment. Aim. Our aim is to evaluate the effect of different clinical and laboratory parameters on the outcome of frozen-thawed embryo transfer in natural and minimally hormone stimulated cycles. Hypothesis. Hypothesis 1. Frozen-thawed embryo transfer in minimally stimulated cycles for women who menstruate irregularly yields similar pregnancy results as in natural cycles for women who mensiruate regularly. Hypothesis 2. In minimally stimulated and natural cycles, the pregnancy outcome of frozen-thawed embryo transfer is better when embryos are transfered on a higher developmental stage. Hypothesis 3. In minimally stimulated and natural cycles, the pregnancy outcome of frozen-thawed embryo transfer does not differ with regard to higher or lower values of clinical parameters, such as serum estradiol, follicular size, endometrial thickness, day of the cycle and patient age at the time of transfer, or with regard to the aetiology of infertility (female, male, female and male). Methods. In a retrospective study, we analysed the data on 683 women who underwent a total of 968 frozen-thawed embryo transfers in minimally stimulated or natural cycles from May 1995 to December 2001. We assessed the embryo survival rate after thawing and the pregnancy outcome of frozen-thawed embryo transfer in minimally stimulated and natural cycles. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters).