Author/Editor     Groleger, Katja; Damjan, Hermina; Petelin-Suhadolnik, Marta
Title     Otroštvo mine, kaj pa cerebralna paraliza? Potrebe odraslih oseb s cerebralno paralizo po rehabilitacijskih programih
Type     članek
Source     In: Marinček Č, editor. Zbornik predavanj 2. kongres Združenja za fizikalno in rehabilitacijsko medicino Slovenskega zdravniškega društva z mednarodno udeležbo; 2002 okt 3-5; Portorož. Ljubljana: Inštitut Republike Slovenije za rehabilitacijo,
Publication year     2002
Volume     str. 67-76
Language     slo
Abstract     Cerebral palsy is a non progressive state, based on permanent damage of the central nervous system that can lead to physical, mental, emotional and social disability. Long-term survival of persons with cerebral palsy in past decades has been increased due to improved health services. Survival of people with mild or moderate disabilities is the same as for the normal population. Functional abilities change with ageing and greatly influence the life quality of those with cerebral palsy, reduce their independence in daily life activities, and the chances of employment and financial independence. Methods: a questionnaire on life quality was sent to 110 persons wfth cerebral palsy that were admitted to Institute for rehabilitation of Republic of Slovenia. Results: 67 people answered the questions. Data analysis showed that the majority of people with cerebral palsy live at home, usually with their parents. Only a small number of them are fully employed, usually under special terms; most are retired or unemployed. The vast majority are not included in any regular therapeutic programme, half of them have a short renewal programme occasionally. The vast majority have contractures and experience pain, a lot of them lose their ability to walk. Conclusion: Better organised and systematic care for adults with cerebral palsy could slow down the progression of functional disabilities and enhance their ability for independent living. That could, in the long term, help to ameliorate the burden on families and society.
Descriptors     CEREBRAL PALSY