Author/Editor     Vuga, Vanja
Title     S športom pogojena patološka stanja lokomotornega sistema
Translated title     Pathologic conditions of the locomotor system associated with sports
Type     članek
Source     Sanitas et labor
Vol. and No.     Letnik 2, št. 2
Publication year     2002
Volume     str. 61-72
Language     slo
Abstract     Regardless its indisputable general usefulness, sports activity can dangerously undermine the sportsman's health or even threaten his life. Awareness of specific features of every individual sports discipline and possible pathologic conditions associated with that is essential for their timely recognition, treatment and prevention. This applies particularly to acute pathologic conditions such as sports-related injuries and disorders, as well as conditions with poorly identifiable onset and chronic course, i.e. overuse syndrome. Causes for their occurrence can be found in the immediate surroundings of the site where the training or competition takes place, or in the athlete himself.
Summary     Športna aktivnost je sicer nesporno vsestransko koristna, lahko pa je tudi nevarna za zdravje in živ jenje športnika. Poznavanje posebnosti vsake športne panoge in iz njih izhajajočih možnih patoloških stanj je bistveno za njihovo hitro prepoznavanje, zdravljenje in preprečevanje. Gre predvsem za akutno nastala patološka stanja - športne poškodbe in stanja, ki imajo slabo opredeljiv začetek in kronični potek - sindrome preobremenitve. Vzroke za njihov nastanek lahko najdemo v neposrednem okolju mesta, kjer se izvaja trening ali tekmovanje, ali pa v športniku samem.
Descriptors     SPORTS