Author/Editor     Hosta, Milan
Title     Rekreacija, zmernost in zdravje
Translated title     Recreation, temperateness and health
Type     članek
Source     Anthropos
Vol. and No.     Letnik 34, št. 4-6
Publication year     2002
Volume     str. 193-202
Language     slo
Abstract     The article deals with the phenomenon of recreation, which is becoming an ever more popular form of physical practice through the concept of "sport for everybody ". The comparison of the elite sport and recreation reveals two different ethical positions. This can serve as a starting point for the application of Aristotle's notion of temperateness that enters the discussion on two levels. First, the temperateness in the broader context as the harmonization of modern lifestyle, and second, temperateness in the very activity of recreation. In this way, the virtue of temperateness is tied with the notion of health, understood as a dinamic notion embracing the human being in its totality. In view of moderation, recretttion can be characterized in the broader sense as a non-pleasure in the sphere of modern everyday prosperity. And in the very activity of recreation the subjectivity of the organism is taken into account: it refuses every norm given in advance, and simultaneously focuses on the creation of its own norms. In the second part, the understanding of subjective temperateness and health, both being distinctively subjective categories, is viewed from the standpoint of popular sport recipies. Although it can be deemed an ethically questionable irnposing of norms to the individual, it still can be positively effective.
Summary     V razpravi se lotimo obravnave rekreacije, ki skozi koncept 'športa za vse', postaja vse bolj popularna oblika telesnih praks. S primerjavo med vrhunskim športom in rekreacijo razkrijemo dve različni etični logiki. Na tej osnovi vstopimo v rekreacijo z Aristotelovim pojmom zmernosti, ki pa se kaže na dveh nivojih. Prvi je zmernost v širšem kontekstu kot vzpostavljanje ravnotežja sodobnega načina življenja, drugi pa je zmernost v samem dejanju. Tako vrlino zmernosti navežemo z zdravjem, ki ga obravnavamo kot džnamični koncept, ki zajema človekovo celovitost. V iskanju prave mere rekreacijo v širšem kontekstu označimo kot ne-užitek v prostoru sodobne ležernosti blaginje. V samem aktu rekreacije pa upoštevamo subjektivnost arganizma, ki zavrača vse vnaprejšnje normative in sam sebi sproti vzpostavlja pravo mero. V nadaljevanju postavimo razumevanje zmernosti in zdravja, ki sta izrazito subjektivni kategoriji, v primež popularnih rekreativnih receptov. Če gre z ene strani za etično vprašljivo vsiljevanje norm posamezniku, pa z druge stranž to deluje pozitivno.
Descriptors     SPORTS