Author/Editor     Lunder, Urška
Title     Sporazumevanje kot temelj zdravljenja in zadovoljstva - razlike v sporazumevanju in zdravstvenem sistemu in pri komplementarnem zdravljenju
Translated title     Communication as a basis of medical treatment and patient's satisfaction - differences between public health system and complementary methods
Type     članek
Source     In: Urbančič K, Klemenc D, editors. Spoznajmo komplementarno in naravno zdravilstvo tudi v zdravstveni negi. Zbornik člankov s strokovnega srečanja - 1. simpozija Društva medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov Ljubljana; 2002 dec 4; Kranjska gora. Ljubljana: Društvo medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov,
Publication year     2002
Volume     str. 43-8
Language     slo
Abstract     Communication is one of the most important elements during the process of medical treatment and nursing care. It can have a strong influence on patient's well - being or it can have the opposite effect. There are great differences between treatment in public health system and complementary methods regarding structure, basic philosophy and function (procedures, work). These elements have a great influence on communication procedures with patients. We can find three kinds of relationship between patients and heath workers: paternalistic, based on partnership and based on agreement. Mutual relationships between health workers are also very i.mportant. Patient's complains usually based on inappropriate communication in all directions especially in public health system. This can be one of the important causes for patients' decisions to choose one of the complementary methods of healing because this kind of treatment are known as more holistic. Both systems of treatment have their positive and negative parts. None of them have no special emphasise by including communication skills in their educational programmes.