Author/Editor     Jereb, Blaž
Title     Vpliv športnega plezanja na nekatere morfološke značilnosti in gibalne sposobnosti pri plezalcih, starih 14 let
Translated title     The effects of sports climbing on some morphological characteristics and motor abilities in 14-year-old-climbers
Type     članek
Source     Šport
Vol. and No.     Letnik 49, št. 4
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 60-2
Language     slo
Abstract     The purpose of this study was to establish the effects of sports climbing on some morphological characteristics and motor abilities in 14-year-old climbers. The sample comprised of 19 climbers who, after initial measurements, besides regular sports education at school, participated in sports climbing for a year, and 72 non-climbers who only attended regular sports education classes. The measuring instrument contained all of the variables from the Sports Education Chart. The Programme package SPSS 10.0 for Windows was used for data processing. The results of the analysis of co-variance have shown statistically significant differences in favour of experimental group in following tests: polygon backwards, upper arm skinfold, and forward bend on the bench. With non-climbers statistically significant changes were established in sit-ups and 600-metre run.
Summary     Namen naloge je bil ugotoviti vpliv športnega plezanja na nekatere morfološke značilnosti in gibalne sposobnosti pri plezalcih. Vzorec je zajel 19 plezalcev, ki so se po začetnih meritvah poleg redne športne vzgoje eno leto ukvarjali s športnim plezanjem, in 72 neplezalcev, ki so obiskovali samo redno športno vzgojo. Merski inštrument je vseboval vse spremenljivke iz športnovzgojnega kartona. Podatki so bili obdelani s statističnim programskim paketom SPSS 10.0 za Windows. Iz rezultatov analize kovariance je razvidno, da so bile po enoletni vadbi športnega plezanja statistično pomembne razlike v testu poligon nazaj v korist eksperimentalne skupine. Rezultati eksperimentalne skupine so se izboljšali tudi v testih kožna guba nadlakti in predklon na klopci. Neplezalci pa so dosegli večje spremembe kot plezalci v dvigovanju trupa in teku na 600 m.
Descriptors     SPORTS