Author/Editor     Berkmen, Ferhat
Title     Malignant lymphomas of the testis
Translated title     Maligni limfom testisov
Type     članek
Source     Radiol Oncol
Vol. and No.     Letnik 37, št. 1
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 23-7
Language     eng
Abstract     Background. The aim of the study was to analyse 20 patients with malignant Iymphomas of the testis, and to discuss the necessity of immunocytochemical staining to confirm the histologic diagnosis and an effective treatment policy. Patients and methods. Ten patients with malignant Iymphomas of the testis were reviewed in order to identify and study the incidence, histologic findings, the type of treatment administered and the overall outcome. Results. Testicular malignant lymphomas were identified ten times between 2984 and 1999. Bilateral tumours occurred simultaneously in 4 patients, and a metachronous malignancy and testicular relapses developed in 2 patients. Of the remaining patients 4 had unilateral testicular involvement, None had elevated AFP and beta-HCG or a history of undecided testis. Eight of patients were younger than 50 years. Five of the lymphomas were high grade, 3 were intermediate and 2 were low grade diffuse non-Hodgkin's lyrnphoma. All patients were initially treated with radical orchiectomy and were, according to their clinical stage, treated with chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy. Five of 10 patients were alive with no evidence of disease with follow-up ranging from 9 to 62 months. The remaining 5 patients died between 3 and 42 months respectively. ConcIusions. Testicular lymphomas are similar to those of testicular germ cell tumours and account for approximately 5% of alI testis tumours and represents 1% of all lymphomas. Testicular Iymphomas differ from germ cell tumours of the testis by following points. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters).
Summary     Izhodišča. Namen študije je bil analizirati bolnike z malignim limfomov testisov, oceniti pomen imunocitokemičnega barvanja pri potrjevanju histološke diagnoze in ugotoviti učinkovitost zdravljenja. Bolniki in metode. Pregledali smo podatke o desetih bolnikih z malignim limfomom testisov in ugotavljali incidenco bolezni, histološke značilnosti, način zdravljenja in potek bolezni po zdravljenju. Rezultati. Med leti 1984 in 1999 smo ugotovili 10 bolnikov z malignim limfomov testisov. Tumor se je pojavil bilateralno simultano pri 4 bolnikih, metahrono pri 2, pri 2 pa kot ponovitev bolezni. Preostali 4 bolniki so imeli unilateralni tumor. Nobeden ni imel povišanih tomorskih markerjev AFP in beta-HCG, pravtako niso imeli predhodnega kriptorhizma. 8 bolnikov je bilo mlajših od 50 let. 5 bolnikov je imelo difuzni ne-Hodgkinov limfom visoke malignostne stopnje, 3 srednje in 2 bolnika nizke. Vsi bolniki so bili začetno zdravljeni z radikalno orhiektomijo in glede na klinični stadij bolezni tudi s kemo- in radioterapijo. 5 od 10 bolnikov je še živih, brez znakov bolezni od 9 do 62 mesecev sledenja bolezni. Preostalih 5 bolnikov je umrlo v 3 do 42 mesecih. Zaključki. Maligni limfom testisov je klinično podobna bolezen kot germinalni tumor testisov ter predstavlja približno 5% vseh tumorjev testisov in 1% vseh limfomov. Od germinalnega tumorja testisov se razlikuje v naslednjih točkah: (1) Maligni limfom testisov se običajno pojavlja v srednjih letih, (2) tumorska markerja AFP in (beta-HCG sta v mejah normale, (3) izjemno redko se pojavi pri kriptorhizmu, (4) potrebno je zgodnje sistemsko zdravljenje, samo skrbno sledenje bolnikov po kirurškem zdravljenju ni priporočljivo, (5) prognoza je slaba. Potrebno je uporabiti imunohistokemično barvanje (LCA) za potrditev histološke diagnoze, kar omogoča načrtovanje ustreznega zdravljenja.