Author/Editor     Kecelj, Peter
Title     Klinična slika zunajbolnišnične pljučnice in njeni povzročitelji
Translated title     Community-acquired pneumonia - clinical picture and pathogens
Type     članek
Source     Krka Med Farm
Vol. and No.     Letnik 24, št. 35
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 29-35
Language     slo
Abstract     Community-acquired pneumonia is a common in fectious disease of the lower respiratory tract. The decision about where and how to treat the patient is based upon precise review of the medical history, physical examination, and laboratory and X-ray findings. The possible respiratory pathogen, the risk class and correspondingly, the decision upon where the patient should be treated, are determined on behalf of symptoms, signs, and findings of tests. Certain systems for estimation of the risk of a patient with community-acquired pneumonia, such as PORT (Pneumonia Patient Outcomes Research Team), are helpful. The score is to a large extent dependent of data obtained from medical history and physical examination of the patient. Patients at higher risk are checked after two to three days, while low-risk patients are examined after five to seven days. If, at the control examination, it is established that the treatment is not success ful, the patient is admitted to hospital. Medical history and physical examination are the most important parameters in evaluating the severity grade of communityacquired pneumonia, while laboratory findings and radiographic findings only provide helpful additional in formation.
Summary     Zunajbolnišnična pljučnica (ZBP) je pogosta infekcijska bolezen na spodnjih dihalih. Odločitev o načinu in mestu zdravljenja temelji na natančni anamnezi, telesnem pregledu ter nekaterih laboratorijskih in slikovnih izvidih. Na podlagi simptomov, znakov in izvidov preiskav skušamo opredeliti možnega povzročitelja pljučnice, stopnjo ogroženosti bolnika in se odločiti o mestu zdravljenja. V pomoč so nekateri sistemi za ocenjevanje ogroženosti bolnika z ZBP, kot je na primer PORT (Pneumonia Patient Outcomes Research Team). Največ točk prinesejo podatki, dobljeni z anamnezo in telesnim pregledom. Bolnike kontroliramo čez dva, tri dni, če gre za hujšo ogroženost, sicer pa peti do sedmi dan. Če je ob kontroli ugotovljeno, da je bilo zdravljenje neuspešno, sledi napotitev v bolnišnico. Anamneza in telesni pregled sta pri oceni stopnje ZBP najpomembnejša, laboratorijski izvidi in rentgenska slika pljuč so nam le v dodatno pomoč.