Author/Editor     Pokorn, Dražigost; Koch, Verena; Hlastan-Ribič, Cirila
Title     Prehrana in zdravje v Sloveniji
Translated title     Health and nutrition in Slovenia
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 42, št. 1
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 29-46
Language     slo
Abstract     The health of the population of Slovenia, which was estimated using the untimely death rate, specific mortality rate and longevity, is lagging behind the EU countries. In the eastern part of Slovenia, which has a predominantly rural population, outdated industry, high unemployment and a lower educational level, women live an average of two years and men three years less than their counterparts in the western part of Slovenia, where the standard of living is higher. The objective of our research was to assess the level of health in connection with nutritiorion the basis of the existing statistical data and studies on the health and nutritional habits of the Slovene population, in hopes of confirming the hypothesis about the significant influence of nutrition on tlie health of the Slovene population. The correlation between the specific mortality rate (ischemic heart disease and cancer of the digestive system) and nutritiorial habits within separate regions of Slovenia indicates a higher death rate where there are greater quantities of total and saturated fats, and a lower one where there are increased quantities of fruits and vegetables in,the diet. A highly significant correlation was found only for cancer of the digestive system in the population of women aged over 60 (p < 0.05). This significant correlation is even more marked (p = 0.02) if the proportion between fruits and vegetables vs. total fats in the diet is taken into account. The correlation between the specific mortality rate caused by cardiovascular disease among the inhabitants of Slovenia shows an inverse connection to income and education and a straight proportional connection to income, but not to education, with the death rate from cancer. Conclusion: Greater importance should be given to the promotion of health and healthy nutrition among people with lower educational and income levels.
Summary     Zdravje prebivalcev v Sloveniji, ki smo ga ocenili s prezgodnjo splošno in specifično umrljivostjo ter dolgostjo življenja, zaostaja za državami EU. V vzhodnem delu Slovenije, kjer prevladuje kmečko prebivalstvo, stara industrija, večja brezposelnost in nižja izobrazba, živijo ženske v povprečju dve leti, moški pa tri leta manj kakor na zahodu države, kjer je življenjska raven višja. Namen naše raziskave je, da na osnovi obstoječih statističnih podatkov in raziskav o zdravju in prehrani Slovencev ocenimo zdravje v povezavi s prehrano, s ciljem, da potrdimo hipotezo o pomembnem vplivu prehrane na zdravje Slovencev. Povezava med specifično stopnjo umrljivosti (ishemična bolezen srca in rak na prebavilih) in načinom prehrane med posameznimi regijami Slovenije kaže večjo umrljivost s povečano količino celokupnih in nasičenih maščob in znižano umrljivost s povečano količino sadja in zelenjave v prehrani Slovencev. Visoko statistično pomembno povezavo pa smo ugotovili samo pri raku prebavil v populaciji žensk, starih nad 60 let (p < 0,05); statistično pomembna povezava pa je bila celo bolj izražena (p < 0,02), pri upoštevanju razmerja med sadjem in zelenjavo ter celokupnimi maščobami. Povezava med umrljivostjo zaradi bolezni obtočil prebivalcev slovenskih občin pa kaže obratno povezavo z dohodkom in izobrazbo in premosorazmerno z dohodkom, ne pa z izobrazbo Slovencev, in sicer pri umrljivosti za rakom. Prav zaradi tega bi morali bolj povdarjati zdravo prehrano prebivalcem z nižjo izobrazbo in nižjimi dohodki.
Descriptors     NUTRITION