Author/Editor     Šešok, Janja
Title     Ob sprejetju zakona o omejevanju porabe alkohola
Translated title     After the adoption of the law on limiting alcohol consumption
Type     članek
Source     Delo Varn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 48, št. 2
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 81-4
Language     slo
Abstract     At the end of January 2003, a law limiting the use of alcohol was passed which defines measures and ways of limiting the consumption of alcohol and the measures for preventing against harmful conseguences of alcohol use, especially among minors. Drinking alcoholic beverages can have harmful effects on the physical, mental and social health of individuals, families, local communities and the society as a whole. The results of the analysis of alcahol consumption among adult Slovenes in 1999 showed that over 8% of the population is probably addicted to alcohol. Since the majority is part of the active population, the policy of limiting and preventing alcohol abuse at work, and thus also providing a worker friendly working environment is very important.
Summary     Konec januarja letos je bil sprejet zakon o omejevanju porabe alkohola, ki določa ukrepe in načine omejevanja porabe alkohola ter ukrepe za preprečevanje škodljivih posledic rabe alkohola, še posebej med mladoletnimi osebami. Pitje alkoholnih pljač lahko škodljivo vpliva na telesno, duševno in socialno zdravje posameznikov, na družine, lokalne skupnosti in celotno družbo. Rezultati analize pivskega vedenja odraslih prebivalcev Slovenlje leta 1999 so pokazali, da jih je več kot 8% verjetno odvisnih od alkohola. Ker je večina delovno aktivnih, je zelo pomembna politika preprečevanja zlorabe alkohola na delovnem mestu in ustvarjanje delavcem prijaznega delovnega okolja.
Descriptors     ALCOHOL DRINKING