Author/Editor     Urbanc-Berčič, Olga; Gaberščik, Alenka; Šiško, Milijan; Brancelj, Anton
Title     Aquatic macrophytes of the mountain lake Krnsko jezero, Slovenia
Translated title     Vodni makrofiti Krnskega jezera, Slovenija
Type     članek
Source     Acta Biol Slov
Vol. and No.     Letnik 45, št. 2
Publication year     2002
Volume     str. 25-34
Language     eng
Abstract     The macrophyte vegetation in the mountain lake Krnsko jezero has been monitored since 1991. Five species of aquatic macrophytes, occupying different depths, were present in the lake. Changes in depth distribution were detected due to accelerated eutrophication caused by inputs of nutrients from the watershed. In the period between 1997 and 1998 repeated earthquakes additionally influenced the processes in the lake Krnsko jezero, by increased input of matter. The occasional phytoplankton blooms reduced water transparency and consequently disturbance to growth, development and distribution of anchored macrophytes occurred. In 1998 macrophytes spread down to 7.0 m, reaching the maximum at 5.8 kg DW m-2 at 2 m depth. The total primary production in the lake was estimated at 4991 kg organic matter per year out of which Chara and Potamogeton species presented 95.5 % and 0.6 %, respectively.
Summary     Makrofite v Krnskem jezeru spremljamo od 1991 leta. V jezeru je prisotnih pet vrst podvodnih rastlin, ki uspevajo na različnih globinah. Zaradi pospešene evtrofikacije, ki je odraz povečanega vnosa nutrientov iz zaledja, se globina uspevanja spreminja. Med letoma 1997 in 1998 je bila serija potresov, zaradi česar se je vnos snovi iz zaledja povečal in dodatno vplival na procese v jezeru. Občasno cvetenje fitoplanktona je zmanjšalo prosojnost vode, kar se je odrazilo na rasti, razvoju in razporeditvi submerznih makrofitov. Tako so v letu 1998 makrofiti segali do globine 7 m, njihova največja biomasa je bila 5,8 kg suhe teže m-2 na globini 2 m. Celotna primarna produkcija organske snovi v jezeru je bila ocenjena na 4991 kg leto', pri čemer je bil delež parožnic 95,5%, delež dristavcev pa le 0,6 %.
Descriptors     FRESH WATER