Author/Editor     Jurišić, Branka D; Demšar, Meta
Title     Razlika med skupino otrok z motnjami izreke in skupino otrok s specifičnimi jezikovnimi motnjami na preskusu 100 besed
Translated title     Differences between children with articulation impairment and children with specific language impairment in the hundred picture naming test performance
Type     članek
Source     In: Čepeljnik J, Globačnik B, Grobler M, et al, editors. Logopedija za vsa življenska obdobja. Zbornik 1. slovenski kongres logopedov z mednarodno udeležbo; 2003 mar 19-21; Bled. Ljubljana: Zavod za gluhe in naglušne,
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 32-5
Language     slo
Abstract     The sample of this study included 54 pairs of children (from a group of children with articulation impairment and a group of children with specific language impairment), equal by age when The Hundred Picture Naming Test (HPNTJ was administered (N=108, aged 4 to 8; 6 years). Child placement in the first or the second group was made by a single speech therapist. Main research question in this study was: how efficient is the HPNT in differentiating between these two groups? The test is highly economic and can be administered in the first session. Discriminant analysis was used to determine the efficiency of HPNT variables in differentiating between the two groups of children. The main differences were found on these variables: accuracy score, time score, errors, 'don't know' responses. The overall-predictive accuracy of the discriminant function was 79, 6% and was statistically significant.