Author/Editor     Šoster, Darinka
Title     Redukcija anksioznosti tokom stacionarnog grupnog tretmana osoba koje mucaju
Translated title     Anexiety reduction during the stationary therapy group treatment
Type     članek
Source     In: Čepeljnik J, Globačnik B, Grobler M, et al, editors. Logopedija za vsa življenska obdobja. Zbornik 1. slovenski kongres logopedov z mednarodno udeležbo; 2003 mar 19-21; Bled. Ljubljana: Zavod za gluhe in naglušne,
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 112-5
Language     ser
Abstract     Having on mind the fact that sttutering is a problem of communication with other people, we can conclude that the group treatment is wery important in its solving. The group treatment has it's advantage when conducted in stationary conditiones. In this paper we presented the group of nine patients who were included in two weeks long stationary treatment during in January 2002. Beside the method of Concious synthesis of development, there has been used cognitive -behaviour therapy.At the beginning and ending of treatment have been observed subjective units of anxiety in 18 speech situations. Modified behavior, that is one of the goals of group therapy, reduced level of anxiety to tolerable level. Avoidance of critical speech situations that could be controled in stationary conditiones reduced to a minimum.
Descriptors     STUTTERING