Author/Editor     Nolimal, Dušan; Zelko-Peterka, Erika
Title     Mednarodno sodelovanje Centra za zdravljenje odvisnosti od prepovedanih drog v Murski Soboti pri razvoju evropskega kazalnika zaključka obravnave
Translated title     International cooperation of Drug treatment center in Murska Sobota for development of European treatment index exit treatment (ETI)
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 72, št. 5
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 301-4
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. Our goal is to introduce the international cooperation of the Drug Treatment Centre in Murska Sobota in European project of the development af the final processing index under patronage of the Pompidou group. The principal goal of the research was to collect the basic informations for the development of the final processing index and the introduction of unified epidemiological attendance of drug users in different European cities. Methods. The quality research method was used in this research. Difficulttes in development of unified attendance of the phenomenon are discribed and informations whieh should be included in such a system are exposed. 15 European cities from 6 different countries cooperated in this project. The project has bin going on for 12 months and includet minimum 20 questionaris. Results. There are introduced basic habbits which were recognized in centre in Murska Sobota. Comparative informationes which we could comprehend with other cities and issuficiences which we recognized at the treatment. Conclusions. It is about the first experiment of collecting such unified information in this area. It is important to compare the information that indicate the initial treatment with the concluded treatment. The continuation of work on developing and indicative and preparation of adequate protocol which will settle the unified convoyment of treatment at the beginning, and on the end is one of the priorities of epidemic work on the area of drugs in Europe and in Slovenia.
Summary     Izhodišča. Temeljni cilj raziskave je bil zbrati izhodiščne informacije za razvoj kazalnika zaključka obravnave in uvajanja poenotenega epidemiološkega spremljanja obravnave uporabnikov drog v različnih evropskih mestih. V prispevku prikazujemo mednarodno sodelovanje Centra za zdravljenje odvisnosti od prepovedanih drog v Murski Soboti v evropskem projektu razvoja kazalnika zaključka obravnave pod okriljem skupine Pompidou. Metode. Sadelovalo je 15 evropskih mest iz šestih držav. Pri raziskavi smo uporabili kvalitativno raziskovalno metodo. Opisane so težave pri razvoju poenotenega spremljanja pojava in hkrati prikazane informacije, ki naj bi jih uporabjeni sistem vseboval. Raziskava je bila časovno omejena na eno leto, obdelati pa je bilo treba najmanj 20 odvisnikov od ilegalnih drog. Rezultati. Predstavljene so osnovne značilnosti, obravnavane v centru v Murski Soboti, kot tudi primerjalne infarmacije, ki smo jih lahko uskladili z ostalimi sodelujočimi mesti, in pomanjkljivosti, ki smo jih pri izvajanju zaznali. Zaključki. Gre za prvi poizkus zbiranja tako poenotenih podatkov pri nas. Ponzembno je primerjanje podatkov kazalnika začetne obravnave z zaključkom obravnave. Nadaljevanje dela na razvoju kazalnika in priprava ustreznega protokola, ki bo urejal poenoteno spremljanje obravnave na začetku in ob koncu, je ena izmed prioritet epidemiološkega dela na področju drog v Evropi in Sloveniji.