Author/Editor     Škerl, Marjeta; Lužnik-Bufon, Tatjana; Klavs, Irena; Dolinšek, Mojca
Title     Organizacija dela na področju obvladovanja okužb
Translated title     Organization of work in infection control
Type     članek
Source     In: Lužnik-Bufon T, Gubina M, editors. Zbornik predavanj Bolnišnične okužbe 2003; 2003; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Sekcija za klinično mikrobiologijo in hospitalne infekcije,
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 13-7
Language     slo
Abstract     In infection control, organized activities have been going on in hospitals for more than 50 years. During this period, a lot of changes have been introduced into the organization of work. The initial votuntary approach has developed into a well-organized activity that is today, in most European countries and the countries outside Europe, regulated by laws. However, there is no uniformfty in this field. In Slovenia, this development has been in many respects similar as elsewhere. Our legislation comprises a set of basic rules prescribing the execution of these activities and aflowing sufficient autonomy to health care institutions. Closer cooperation among health care institutions would indeed be most beneficial.
Descriptors     CROSS INFECTION