Author/Editor     Lejko-Zupanc, Tatjana
Title     Nespecifične laboratorijske preiskave v diagnostiki okužb
Translated title     Nonspecific laboratory tests in the diagnosis of infectious diseases
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 42, št. Suppl 1
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 103-12
Language     slo
Abstract     Nonspecific laboratory tests are usually the first step in diagnostic evaluation of febrile patients with presumed infectious disease. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein concentration, procalcitonin concentration and blood cell counts are employed in everyday practice. Each of these tests has its own unique indications and limitations, which are presented in the article. A combination of these tests along with a detailed medical history and clinical examination are often sufficient to determine whether the patient in question suffers from an infectious process and/or whether there is a need to institute antimicrobial treatment.
Summary     Nespecifične laboratorijske preiskave predstavljajo pogosto prvo stopnjo v diagnostiki febrilnega bolnika s sumom na okužbo. V vsakdanji praksi se najpogosteje uporablja merjenje hitrosti sedimentacije eritrocitov, določanje koncentracije C-reaktivne beljakovine, v nekaterih primerih tudi prokalcitonina in preiskava krvne slike. Vsak od teh testov ima svoje indikacije in omejitve, ki so opisane v članku. Običajno nam kombinacija teh testov skupaj z anamnezo in klinično sliko da dokaj zanesljiv odgovor, ali pri bolniku sploh gre za okužbo in/ali je smiselno oziroma potrebno uvesti antibiotično zdravljenje.