Author/Editor     Bedernjak, Jože; Bedernjak-Bajuk, Nataša
Title     Leptospiroze
Translated title     Leptospirosis
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 42, št. Suppl 1
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 131-9
Language     slo
Abstract     Leptospirosis is a zoonosis of ubiquitous distribution, caused by infections with pathogenic leptospires. Their main reservoir are rodents. For transmission of infections to humans domestic animals are also very important. They only cause acute form of illness in humans. The spectrum of human diseases caused by leptospires is extremely wide. Meningitis is present at about 40% of cases of leptospirosis. The hepatitis of all stages, pneumonias, inflammations of kidneys with acute renal failure, myocarditis, bleedings in the numerous organs, changes in muscles and rash can be found in leptospirosis. The inflammation often involves multiple organs. The lethal outcomes are due to massive bleedings, myocarditis and multiple orgah failure. The diagnosis is confirmed with isolation of leptospires from hemoculture or with serological tests of leptospires agglutination. Penicilin is the antibiotic of choice. Essential in the prophylaxis of leptospirosis are actions against rodents, use of preventive clothes, gloves and boots, and active immunisation of animals and exposed people. About 90% of leptospiral patients in Slovenia during the last forty years were treated in General hospital Murska Sobota. This article presents our experience and studies about leptospiral patients.
Summary     Leptospiroze so kot zoonoza razširjene na vseh kontinentih. Povzročajo jih patogene leptospire. Glavni rezervoar so glodalci. Za prenos okužb na človeka so zelo pomembne tudi domače živali. Pri ljudeh potekajo te okužbe le v akutni obliki. Spadajo med bolezni z najbolj pestrimi kliničnimi slikami. Meningitis je prisoten v približno 40%. Pri leptospirozah lahko ugotavljamo hepatitise vseh stopenj, pljučnice, vnetja ledvic z akutno ledvično odpovedjo, miokarditise, krvavitve v številne organe, spremembe na mišicah in koži. Velikokrat vnetne spremembe zajemajo več organov. Smrtni izidi so posledica krvavitev, vnetja srca ali odpovedi več organov. Diagnozo potrdimo z osamitvijo leptospir iz krvi ali s serološko preiskavo aglutinacije leptospir. Penicilin je antibiotik izbora. V profilaksi je poleg zatiranja glodalcev in uporabe zaščitnih oblek in rokavic pomembna aktivna imunizacija posebej izpostavljenih ljudi in domačih živali. Okrog 90 % bolnikov v Sloveniji se je v zadnjih 40 letih zdravilo v Splošni bolnišnici Murska Sobota. V članku so vključene naše izkušnje in raziskave.
Descriptors     LEPTOSPIROSIS