Author/Editor     Selič, P
Title     Otroci, žrtve spolnih zlorab - razmišljanja o zdravju teh (pa tudi drugih) otrok v luči konvencije o otrokovih pravicah
Translated title     Child victims of sexual abuse - reflections on the health of these (and other) children in the light of the convention on the rights of the child
Type     članek
Source     Slov Pediatr
Vol. and No.     Letnik 10, št. 1
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 33-42
Language     slo
Abstract     Sociological thinking defines childhood as a construct that has undergone changes and transformations throughout history, influenced in different historical periods by a variety of factors such as political interests, economic conditions and cultural norms. Yet these changes do not necessarily imply a more humane understanding of childhood. The social protection and healthcare of children have come to exist within a network of professional activities that are unequivocally influenced by the state as it seeks to attain and/or preserve norms and standards of socialisation, regulation and order. Moreover, as a social group enjoying far greater power than children, adults assert their own interpretation of childhood (and social reality) without giving heed to whatever interpretations children themselves may have. In Article 24 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the signatories affirmed (among other) children's right to the highest standards of healthcare and services of institutions for the treatment of disease and medical rehabilitation, while Article 3 establishes children's welfare as the guiding principle in all activities concerned with children. A consideration of children's health and healthy children also requires the clearest possible definition of what is meant by health. If, following the World Health Organisation, we consider health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being rather than merely as an absence of illness and discomfort, we come very close to the conception of humanist psychology, which considered the purpose of life to be the development of the highest human potential. Such a definition of health also implies that people cannot be healthy unless they live in suitable social, political and economic conditions, or in other words, unless they are capable of loving (others), working and creating. Unfortunately, however, definitions of this sort are dangerous and open to abuse. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters)
Summary     Družboslovna misel opredeljuje otroštvo kot konstrukt, ki se je skozi zgodovino spreminjal in preoblikoval, na kar so v posameznih zgodovinskih obdobjih vplivali različni dejavniki, kot so politični interesi, ekonomske razmere, kulturni okviri in drugi. Te spremembe pa ne pomenijo nujno bolj humanega razumevanja otroštva. Socialno in zdravstveno varstvo otrok se je vzpostavilo v mreži različnih profesionalnih dejavnosti, na kar država nedvoumno vpliva, ko si prizadeva doseči in/ali ohraniti norme in standarde socializacije, regulacije in reda. Pri tem družbena skupina odraslih, ki ima v primerjavi z otroki pomembno večjo moč, s svojo razlago otroštva (družbene realnosti) preglasi katerokoli oziroma vsako otroško interpretacijo. V 24. členu Konvencije o otrokovih pravicah so države podpisnice (med drugim) potrdile otrokovo pravico do najvišje ravni zdravstvenih standardov in storitev ustanov za zdravljenje bolezni in zdravstveno rehabilitacijo, v 3. členu pa izpostavile otrokove koristi kot glavno vodilo pri vseh dejavnostih v zvezi z otroki. Razmišljanje o zdravju otrok in zdravih otrocih terja tudi kar najbolj jasno opredelitev zdravja. Če sledimo Svetovni zdravstveni organizaciji in razumemo zdravje kot stanje celotnega telesnega, duševnega in socialnega blagostanja, in ne samo kot odsotnost bolezni in slabega počutja, se močno približamo konceptom humanistične psihologije, ki je videla smisel življenja v razvijanju najvišjih človeških potencialov. Takšna opredelitev zdravja pomeni tudi, da ljudje ne morejo biti zdravi, če ne živijo v ustreznih socialnih, političnih in ekonomskih razmerah, oziroma če niso sposobni ljubiti (drugega), delati in ustvarjati. Žal pa so definicije te vrste nevarne in dopuščajo zlorabe. (Izvleček skrajšan na 2000 znakov)
Descriptors     CHILD ABUSE, SEXUAL