Author/Editor     Brejc, Tone
Title     Kratek preizkus spoznavnih sposobnosti (KPSS) oziroma mini mental state examination (MMSE) pri napovedovanju in ocenjevanju izida medicinske rehabilitacije
Type     članek
Source     In: Burger H, Goljar N, editors. Ocenjevanje izida v medicinski rehabilitaciji. Zbornik predavanj 14. dnevi rehabilitacijske medicine; 2003 apr 4-5;. Ljubljana: Inštitut Republike Slovenije za rehabilitacijo,
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 67-74
Language     slo
Abstract     The prediction and the evaluation of medical rehabilitation outcome, being closely related to the assessment of the rehabilitation potential, should be based on formalized and/or standardized measures. This is especially important for rehabilitants who are expected to suffer from cognitive decline, though the cognitive decline is not necessarily related to the degree of functional disability, and it cannot by itself imply the rehabilitation outcome. The Mini-Mental State Examination-MMSE is described as a screening, non-diagnostic measure and/ or the first level in assessing cognitive functions. It enables simple but stand-; ardized and quantitative evaluating of the cognitive state at the beginning of a rehabilitation program, monitoring of changes and evaluating of the rehabilitation outcome at discharge. It points out the importance of considering age and ealucational norms as well as the influence of various aspects of health status in interpreting the results. The shortcomings of the instrument construction make the interpretation of the results difficult, especially with regard to specific clinical syndromes of cognitive decline. Therefore, the use of MMSE as an instru ment for the outcome evaluation in medical rehabilitation is obviously limited to the quantitative comparison of the cognitive state, as measured by the MMSE, at the beginning and at the closure of the treatment.