Author/Editor     Karba, R; Zupančić, B; Bremšak, F; Mrhar, A; Primožič, S
Title     Simulation tools in pharmacokinetic modelling
Type     članek
Source     Acta Pharm Jugosl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 40, št. 2, Suppl 1
Publication year     1990
Volume     str. 247-62
Language     eng
Abstract     Mathematical modelling represents and important part in many modern studies of drugs pharmacokinetics. Computer simulation enables fast, elegant and cheap development, manipulation and solution of the mathematical models which are in the most cases relatively complex sets of differential equations with time varying parameters and nonlinear character. A variety of possibilities exist for computer simulation which mainly depend on the type of the used computer. The work deals with the possible approaches to the computer simulation of pharmacokinetical models giving also some concrete examples and conclusions concerning simulation tools in pharmacokinetics