Author/Editor     Planinšec, Jurij
Title     Ugotavljanje gibalne dejavnosti mlajših otrok
Translated title     Assessment of physical activity of young children
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 42, št. 2
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 58-65
Language     slo
Abstract     The main goal of the investigation was to find out the physical activity of children in Slovenia. The sample included 364 children, 179 boys and 185 girls. Their average age was 6.4 years. For the assessmenf of the physical activity of children a questionnaire (Harro 1997) was used. The questionnaire was answered by the children's parents and teachers. The results show that children in Slovenia are sufficiently physically active. The average daily moderate to vigorous physical activity with boys is 92.9 minutes and with girls 109.2 minutes. The difference is statistically significant and occurred because of a greater amount of indoor activities. The average indoor physical activity during working days was the same as during the weekend. The outdoor physical activity during the weekend was much higher.
Summary     Glavni namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, kakšna je gibalna dejavnost mlajših otrok pri nas. Vzorec je obsegal skupaj 364 otrok, od tega 179 dečkov in 185 deklic, starih povprečno 6.4 let. Za oceno gibalne dejavnosti otrok je bil uporabljen vprašalnik (Harro 1997), na katerega so odgovarjali starši in učitelji. Rezultati kažejo, da so otroci dovolj gibalno dejavni. Povprečna dnevna zmerno do visoko intenzivna gibalna dejavnost znaša pri dečkih 92,9 minut, pri deklicah pa 109,2 minut, razlika je statistično pomembna in je nastala zaradi večje dejavnosti v notranjih prostorih. Povprečna gibalna dejavnost v notranjih prostorih je v delavniku enaka kot med vikendom, dejavnost na prostem pa je bistveno večja čez vikend.
Descriptors     EXERTION