Author/Editor     Dejnožkova, Eva; Dokladal, Petr
Title     A parallel architecture for curve-evolution partial differential equations
Type     članek
Source     Image Anal Stereol
Vol. and No.     Letnik 22, št. 2
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 121-32
Language     eng
Abstract     The computation of the distance function is a crucial and limiting element in many applications of image processing. This is particularly true for the PDE-based methods, where the distance is used to compute various geometric properties of the travelling curve. Massive Marching is a parallel algorithm computing the distance function by propagating the solution from the sources and permitting simultaneous spreading of component labels in the influence zones. Its hardware implementation is conceivable as no sorted data structures are used. The feasibility is demonstrated here on a set of parallely-operating Processing Units arranged in a linear array. The text concludes by a study of the accuracy and the implementation cost.