Author/Editor     Sedmak, B; Obal, R; Mozetič, Patricija
Title     Nadzor nad biotoksini prispeva k varni hrani iz morja
Translated title     Improved seafood safety by means of biotoxin assessment
Type     članek
Source     Vet Nov
Vol. and No.     Letnik 29
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 257-71
Language     slo
Abstract     The article presents varioccs aspects of biological toxin poisonings. After joining the EU, Slovenia's seafood market will expand and, as a consequence, checks on imported and exported marine organisms will have to include also tests for the presence of biotoxins that are as yet not present in our seawaters. Within the 13-year toxicity monitoring carried out at our two. shellfish farms,no material difference in safety as regards the presence of biotoxins has been recorded. In the summer and autumn months, several Diarrhoic Shellfish Poisoning (DSP) outbreaks have been detected, whereupon temporary bans have been imposed on the sale of shellfish from each farm. On the basis of regular phytoplankton monitoring, shellfish sampling and toxin determination have been carried out. The regularDSP and PSP determination has been carried out with regard to the presence of the potentially toxic Dinoflagellata and, in particular, the genera Dinophysis and Alexandrium. In the near future, regular shellfish testing for the presence of amnesic toxins will need to be introduced owing to the periodic blooms of diatoms, and the occasional presence of the genus Pseudo-nitzschia. Seawater pollution has been assessed on the basis of the presence of heavy metals in shellfish and fish. It has been established that the maximum levels for heavy metals prescribed in the EU legislation have never been exceeded either in shellfish or in the various species of commercial fish.
Summary     V članku so predstavljeni različni vidiki zastrupitev z biološkimi toksini. Pridružitev Republike Slovenije Evropski skupnosti bo povzročila razširitev našega trga morske hrane. Zato bomo morali razširiti nadzor pri uvoženih in izvoženih organizmih tudi nad toksini, ki jih na našem območju običajno ni. Trinajstletni nadzor toksičnosti v naših dveh gojiščih školjk ne kaže bistvenih razlik glede njune varnosti. Izbruhi diaroičnih zastrupitev školjk (DSP) so bili ugotovljeni predvsem v poletnih in jesenskih mesecih in odrejene sa bile začasne zapore gojišč za trgovanje s školjkami. Redni pregledi fitoplanktona so služili kot osnova za vzorčenje školjk in ugotavljanje toksinov v njih. Ugotavljanje DSP in PSP zastrupitev se je izvajalo glede na potencialno toksične predstavnike dinoflagelatov iz rodov Dinophysis in Alexandrium. Zaradi rednih cvetenj diatomej in občasnega pojava predstavnikov rodu Pseudo-nitzschia bomo marali v najbližji prihodnosti vpeljati redno testiranje školjk tudi na amnezijske toksine. Vsebnost težkih kovin v školjkah smo ugotavljanje onesnaženosti našega morja. Njihova količina tako v školjkah kot v različnih vrstah gospodarsko zanimivih rib ni presegala vrednosti, ki jih predpisuje zakonodaja Evropske skupnosti.
Descriptors     SHELLFISH