Author/Editor     Brzin, Jernej; Seljak, Gabrijel; Ermacora, Polo; Osler, Ruggero; Ravnikar, Maja; Petrovič, Nataša
Title     Določanje fitoplazme leptonekroze koščičarjev (European stone fruit yellows, ESFY) v Sloveniji
Translated title     Detection of European stone fruit yellows phytoplasma in Slovenia
Type     članek
Source     In: Maček J, editor. Zbornik predavanj in referatov 6. slovenskega posvetovanja o varstvu rastlin; 2003 mar 4-6; Zreče. Ljubljana: Društvo za varstvo rastlin Slovenije,
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 254-7
Language     slo
Abstract     Phytoplasmas are small wall-less prokaryotes that live exclusively in sieve tubes of their plant hosts and are transmitted by insect vectors and vegetative propagation. In Europe, stone fruits are severely affected by European Stone Fruit Yellows (ESFY) caused by phytoplasmas belonging to Apple proliferation group (16SrX). Recently, progress of ESFY disease in Slovenia was reported based on visual sanitary inspections. Sensitive and specific molecular methods were introduced for the routine detection of ESFY, as part of a research project, applied to develop detection schemes for quarantine fruit tree phytoplasma. The presence of ESFY phytoplasmas was than confirmed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), nested PCR and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analyses in apricot, peach, nectarine, myrabolan and plum trees from different regions in Slovenia.
Summary     Fitoplazme, mali prokarionti brez celične stene, živijo v sitastih ceveh gostiteljskih rastlin. Prenašajo se z žuželčjimi prenašalci in vegetativnim razmnoževanjem. Leptonekroza koščičarjev je v Evropi nevarno obolenje koščičarjev, ki ga povzroča fitoplazma European Stone Fruit Yellows (ESFY) iz skupine metličavosti jablan (Apple proliferation group, AP, 16SrX). V zadnjih letih na osnovi vizualnih zdravstvenih pregledov sadovnjakov poročajo o povečani zastopanosti in širjenju teh obolenj v Sloveniji. Na osnovi teh opažanj smo v okviru aplikativno-raziskovalnega projekta, posvečenega uvedbi metodike za detekcijo karantenskih fitoplazem sadnega drevja uvedli tudi občutijive in specifične molekularno biološke teste za določanje ESFY. ESFY fitoplazmo smo nato potrdili z metodami verižne reakcije polimeraze (PCR), nested PCR in polimorfizmom dolžin restrikcijskih fragmentov (RFLP) v marelicah, breskvah, nektarinah, mirabolanah in slivah iz različnih predelov Slovenije.
Descriptors     FRUIT