Author/Editor     Kruljc, P
Title     Primer ekstremne razširitve želodca s posledično rupturo pri konju
Translated title     A case of extreme dilatation in a horse's stomach with a consequential rupture
Type     članek
Source     Slov Vet Res
Vol. and No.     Letnik 40, št. 2
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 49-55
Language     slo, eng
Abstract     A patho-anatomic examination of a severely constipated two-year-old filly revealed a stomach extremely dilatation by dried beet pulp. The weight of the stomach and its contents was 29 kg. The severe constipation caused a rupture in the stomach and as a result an acute diffuse septic-serofibrinous peritonitis developed. The examination also revealed a verminous aneurysm with extensive parietal thrombosis of the frontal mesenteric artery. This was caused by a migration of parasite larvae called Strongylus vulgaris, which is the most pathogenic parasite from the Strongylidae family and spreads quickly amongst horses due to improper stable hygiene and pasture breeding. The thrombosis probably caused a disturbance in the blood supply and in the functioning of the distal part of the small intestine, caecum and colon, which are maintained by the frontal mesenteric artery.
Summary     Patoanatomska preiskava je pokazala hudo razširitev želodca z zapeko želodčne vsebine (pesni rezanci). Teža želodca in njegove vsebine je znašala 29 kg. Močna zapeka je povzročila pretrganje stene želodca. Posledično se je razvilo akutno difuzno septično serofibrinozno vnetje potrebušnice. Preiskava je pokazala tudi verminozno anevrizmo z obsežno parietalno trombozo sprednje oporkove arterije kot posledico migracije ličink zajedavca Strongylus vulgaris. Tromboza je morebiti povzročila motnje v preskrbi s krvjo in delovanju distalnega dela tankega črevesa, slepega in debelega črevesa, ki jih oskrbuje sprednja oporkova arterija. Kot najbolj patogen zajedavec iz družine Strongylidae se med konji ob nezadostni higieni hitro širi tako v hlevski kot pašni reji.