Author/Editor     Palanscai-Šiftar, Janka
Title     Nosečnost in porod pri mladostnicah
Translated title     Pregnancy and delivery of adolescents
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 72, št. Suppl 2
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. II-23-6
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. Adolescence is the period between childhood and adulthood. In adolescence a higher incidence of complications in pregnancy and during labour is noted, especially a higher number of preeclampsia, anemia, preterm labours, very low birth-weight infants and/or too small for gestational age infants. However, where antenatal care has been given more attention, the number of the above mentioned complications in the course of pregnancy and labour has in adolescents not been so high. In the region of Pomurje there is a lot of primiparous adolescents under twenty years of age in comparison to other regions of Slovenia. In the present work I have investigated the complications in pregnancy, during labour, with newborns and the characteristics of antenatal care for adolescents. Methods. The analysis is based on the data taken from the Perinatal Informational System of Slovenia for the six years (1987-1992). The register is uniform for the total teritory of Slovenia since 1986. The data collected are the data about the pregnancy and delivery, about post-delivery period and about the newborn. In the study group the primiparous adolescents, aged up to 19 years were included. The control group consisted of primiparas in the age group 20-34 years. Results. The study included 3553 primiparas. There were 786 (22.1%) primiparus adolescents in the study group; and 2767 (77.9%) women aged 20-34 years in the control group. The results show that the number of labours decreased in both the study and the control group. Adolescents care less for antenatal examinations, a higher percentage of them is single and have accomplished fewer years of education. In pregnancy the incidence of anemia is higher, and the percent of intrauterine growth retardation is significantly higher in the control group. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters).
Summary     Izhodišča. Mladostniško obdobje je obdobje prehoda od otroštva do odraslosti. V tem obdobju je opisanih več zapletov med nosečnostjo in porodom. Opisano je predvsem večje število hipertenzivnih stanj, več anemij, prezgodnjih porodov, otrok rojenih z nizko porodno težo, oz. otrok premajhnih za gestacijsko starost. Potem ko smo posvetili večjo pozornost antenatalnem varstvu mladostnic, omenjenih zapletov med nosečnostjo in porodom ni več zaslediti v večjem obsegu. V Pomurski regiji je, v primerjavi z ostalo Slovenijo, še zmeraj večje število porodnic, mlajših od dvajset let. Želela sem ugotoviti, ali je v tem obdobju večje tveganje za nosečnost, porod ali novorojenca, in kakšno je zdravstveno varstvo v antenatalnem obdobju za te nosečnice. Metode. Vir informacij v preiskavi je Perinatalni informacijski sistem Slovenije (PISS) za šestletno obdobje (1987-1992). Porodni zapisnik je od leta 1986 enoten za celotno Slovenijo in je osnova za zbiranje preko tristo podatkov o nosečnosti, porodu, poporodnem poteku in novorojencu. Preiskovanke so mladoletne prvorodke do dopolnjenega 19. leta starosti, v kontrolni skupini so zajete prvorodke med 20. in 34. letom starosti. Rezultati. V raziskavi je zajetih skupno 3553 prvorodk in sicer, 786 oz. 22,1% mladostnic in 2767 ali 77,9% prvorodk v kontrolni skupini starih dvajset do štiriintrideset let. Rezultati kažejo, da število porodov upada, upada tudi število porodov mladostnic. Število porodov mlajših mladostnic pa ne upada, odstotek le-teh se je celo povečal. Statistično pomembne razlike so med skupinama pri antenatalnem varstvu: mladostnice so samske, slabše izobražene, slabši je obisk šol za starše in posvetovalnic. (Izvleček prekinjen pri 2000 znakih).